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How to Approach Beautiful Women - These Tips You Need to Know

Are you like most men in that you can kind of end up feeling intimidated about the thought of approaching a really beautiful woman? It's so common for guys to feel this way, but the problem is if you never get over this feeling, then what chances do you really have of ever dating a beautiful woman? Not much of a chance at all unless you expect to have gorgeous women just start approaching you for no reason.
And if you don't have an upcoming platinum album dropping, that's probably not going to happen.
These tips you need to know if you want to be able to approach beautiful women and get anywhere with them: 1.
If you are going to fawn over her beauty and how good she looks, you might as well do nothing.
Really good looking women start getting hit on at a young age, so by the time you approach her and she is over the age of 21, she has heard it all before.
And she knows that the steady stream of compliments about how good she looks means that you just see her as a trophy of sorts.
You want to avoid this, especially just due to the fact that this is what EVERY guy she meets does.
You want to be the ONE guy who approaches her and has meaningful things to say, not just comments on how hot she is.
If you lack confidence when you make your approach, don't expect to get much of a reaction.
Attractive women have something that most people do not in life.
They have lots of available guys who are willing to do just about anything to date them.
And if you come up to her with no confidence at all, what's going to make her want to choose you over some guy who is confident? Don't get intimidated by the fact that she is attractive, after all...
she is human just like YOU.
You need to make yourself seem like a challenge to her.
When a woman knows that she already has a guy sewn up, when she knows that she does not have to do a thing to win you over- you usually become boring to her.
Most men are afraid to challenge a really good looking woman, but if you are going to approach beautiful women and expect to end up dating her, then you better be a challenge that brings some excitement into her life.

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