Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

The Mystery Behind Acupuncture and IVF Solved

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese therapeutic technique whereby the body is punctured with fine needles at specific points on the body thus allowing the body's natural energy flow freely.
Using certain points on the female body will improve blood flow and create more energy in the uterus.
While mystery may shroud how acupuncture and IVF relate, the success rate rose almost 50 percent with the inclusion of acupuncture therapy with IVF.
This traditional Chinese therapy is based on the belief that there is an energy flowing through your body.
Meridians, where this energy is thought to flow, can become blocked causing illness or in some cases infertility.
The blocking or imbalance of this energy needs to be restored or cleared, thus making acupuncture a viable addition to IVF.
Rebalancing the flow of energy to your uterus will restore your body to its natural state of fertility.
While the traditional method of acupuncture is the use of thin needles, other types of the therapy include heat, pressure, or mild electrical current to help stimulate the flow of energy along meridians.
Using an alternative form of treatment in conjunction with IVF may increase your success of becoming pregnant.
Making the uterus more receptive to receiving an embryo is the ultimate goal when using acupuncture in conjunction with IVF.
Acupuncture is said to affect the autonomic nervous system, which is involved in controlling the muscles and glands.
Clearing the pathways called meridians is the theory of acupuncture, therefore allowing natural energy to flow properly.
Acupuncture has shown to aid chemotherapy patients in the relief of nausea as well as patients who experience nausea after anesthesia.
In addition, this Chinese therapeutic technique is also believed to relieve pain associated with headaches, menstrual cramping as well as dental pain.
Traditional Chinese medicine shows specific acupuncture points that relax the uterus.
These meridians involving the spleen, stomach and colon are thought to improve blood flow and create uterine energy.
Acupuncture treatments are given both before and after an IVF, thereby increasing the success rate by almost fifty percent.
The first step to creating a healthy environment for a child to thrive is to take care of your body.
Choose healthy foods and supplements as well as relaxation methods to reduce the daily stress your body is put under.
If IVF is the option you choose for conception, think about the added benefit of acupuncture in conjunction with IVF for an increase success rate in becoming pregnant.
If the thought of needles inserted into your skin gives you the willies, keep in mind the other forms of acupuncture available.
Recent studies do show that using acupuncture in conjunction with IVF increase your chances of becoming pregnant by almost fifty percent.
Removing the mystery from acupuncture and IVF is an ongoing study; however, the success rate is encouraging for anyone who is experiencing trouble getting pregnant.

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