Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Necessary Tips For Maintaining Your Home Plumbing

The plumbing system in our home requires regular maintenance. Below tips are easy for everyone to follow and it can save a lot of money by preventing the need for large repairs.

1. Tubs and showers should be fitted with strainers that catch hair and soap chips. And never forget to clean regularly.

2. To remove unsightly salt/mineral deposits on your showerhead, we can use one cup of vinegar in a plastic bag and place it over the showerhead. Hold it in place by making a twist and let it stay overnight. The next morning, remove the bag and wipe off the salt/mineral deposits with a cloth.

3. Do not use the toilet as a dust bin. We should not toilet flush for any tissues (facial), cotton balls, make-up items, sanitary products or diapers as they do not dissolve and can clog the plumbing lines. To avoid such things we can just keep a trash bin in each bathroom and scrap these items away.

4. Repair leaky taps/valves to avoid further damage to them and make the situation worse.

5. Low water pressures from the taps/valves or water leaks from the handle are usually caused by salt buildup and this sediment blocks the small openings inside the tap. This should be cleaned regularly for proper continuous water flow.

6. Leaks in toilet flush can be identified by adding some food coloring in the flush tank and leaving it for 15 min. If the water in the toilet bowl changes its color, then the ball or flapper is leaking which needs to be replaced.

7. The septic tanks should be inspected and pumped every three to five years to help prevent costly repair.

8. Do not pour excess food items into the kitchen drain, this will clog the drain pipe and stop the water flow to the drainage.

9. Foul odor can occur from buildup of food debris in the kitchen sink. Putting a mesh in the sink and removing the food debris periodically can prevent this.

10. In the Garden taps/valves, hoses will be connected and can easily get tangled when then are not folded. This will cause crack in other areas of the hose and cause leakage. We should take care of the hose tangling during watering the garden.

11. The metal pipes in the wall will get sediment by (salt/minerals/calcium) deposits during the long term of usage. For that we can use vinegar in the pipes for cleaning. We have to remove all water in the pipes and replace it with vinegar. We have to pour a lot of vinegar and leave it in the pipes for at least 24 hours. Vinegar dissolves salt/minerals/calcium. Then we have to flush the pipes. The vinegar taste may be in the pipes for some time, but it is completely harmless.

12. Regularly clean the overhead tank to prevent deposition of salt and minerals in the house plumbing system.

13. Over a period of time, if the tap is getting leak either in the kitchen sink or in bathroom, replace the rubber washer (available in local hardware store) inside the tap and reassemble the tap carefully.

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