Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How I Got My Singles Washington DC Friends to Speed Date

I recently got married after I met my husband through Singles Washington DC that holds speed dating events hosted by a social networking site called Professionals in the City.

After having tried to search singles online and having had some horrendous experiences I decided to try something new. I had serious doubts about speed dating. I thought it was weird that you were expected to get to know someone after five minutes of conversation, and I also thought it was for the truly desperate people out there that could not find a relationship any other way.

Boy was I wrong! Singles Washington DC is a sophisticated and upscale speed dating event. They hold events for all different age groups so you're not 25 mixed in with 50 years-olds. They also hold events for different religions - Jewish, Christian, Indian, Muslim, Asians and others - there are events for gays and lesbians, as well as different races. Professionals in the City also hosts singles rotating roundtable dinners that is also a great way to meet a man or woman to have a relationship with.

Recently, some single friends of mine were curious to try out speed dating. After I told them that it was more than just guessing who you'd want to date in five minutes, and stressed that it wasn't for desperate people they were eager to sign up for an event that were for men and women between the ages of 20-35. It's a great place to meet singles as opposed to dating one person at a time from a dating site. When my friends arrived at the restaurant for the event they were very impressed with the professionalism of the staff. They were lead over to the bar where their future dates were getting to know one another.

The event lasted approximately one hour and they each met many professional men, some of whom they liked but most that they didn't. The same thing happened with me and my husband, we really only targeted in on two or three people. My friends did not end up with any men from that particular event but they now love speed dating thanks to Singles Washington DC. One day they'll meet "the one." They're young, beautiful, but a bit too picky!

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