Health & Medical Adolescent Health

How To Choose The Right Car Seat

Having a baby is an exciting time.
There is lots to do and lots of important decisions.
Something that might seem small is how your baby is going to get around and choosing the right car seat is an essential decision and an important part of becoming a parent.
Most new parents underestimate a few things about choosing a product.
Firstly the sheer number of car seats on the market and secondly the fact that you can't just purchase any car seat.
Not all car seats are suitable for newborns.
So how do you choose the right car seat? Car seats are split into groups to try and make it easier to pick the right one.
Different groups for different weights.
This table shows the car seat groups and their weights.
Group 0+ Birth to 13 kg (29 lb) Birth to 12 months Group 0+/1 Birth to 18 kg (40 lb) Birth to around 4 years Group 1 9 kg to 18 kg (20-40 lb) 9 months to around 4 years Groups 1/2/3 9 kg to 36 kg (20-79 lb) 9 months to around 12 years Groups 2/3 15 kg to 36 kg (33-79 lb) 4 years to 12 years For your new born you would be looking at seats in group 0+ generally but the specification of the seat will tell you the weight limits.
So what else do you need to look for? There is more to finding the right product than checking the weight restrictions.
Car seats are manufactured to an exacting standard so your child will be safer no matter which one you choose but there are other things you need to consider such as the harness types and the sunshade position.
One thing that a lot of new parents forget to consider is the size of the seat.
It will take a lot of space up in your vehicle.
You will need to measure it.
If possible, try it in your car; you might be surprised just how little space there is in the back of your car.
Installing a the baby chair in the back of a three door car is difficult at the best of times, the job will only be worse if you buy an enormous seat.
Picking your first car seat is an enormous responsibility and one that shouldn't be taken lightly.
Don't just choose it based on the color, consider everything else as well.

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