Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Get Your Man Back - A Woman"s Guide to Making Up

How to get your man back when you've decided that the breakup was a mistake.
How can you convince him that your relationship was in fact very special and you both should give it another chance? I hope to give you a few ideas on how to do just that in this woman's guide to making up.
The first thing to do is to consider just why you broke up in the first place.
In the middle of the separation it was probably hard to think clearly and see things objectively.
Now that you've had some time apart it should be a bit easier.
Any relationship is a two-way street.
That means that both parties bear some responsibility for what happens in the relationship.
Even if one partner has cheated on the other,there is some degree of mutual responsibility.
The person who was cheated on is not completely innocent bystander.
If one partner in a relationship is tempted to cheat it often means that some very important needs weren't being met with in the relationship.
Of course the cheater bears moral responsibility, but the person cheated on should consider how they may have contributed to the situation.
If you were the one cheated on you need to ask yourself if you can forgive the indiscretion and allow the relationship to move forward.
If you can't, and many women have difficulty with this, then it's probably best to let the relationship end.
But for your own good, let go of resentment.
If you were the one who cheated, you need ask yourself why you did it and if you think you'll be able to be faithful to relationship in the future.
Whatever you decide, you definitely need to offer a sincere apology for the pain you caused.
Initially, accept responsibility for your actions and express sincere regret at having hurt someone you care for.
At this point, make no indication that you may be interested in trying to heal the relationship unless he brings it up first.
If he does, be sure to go slowly.
During this period of time, it's a good idea to stay busy and socially engaged but avoiddating or starting another romantic relationship.
After a suitable time, one way to reconnect is to call your ex and say that you would like to meet them in person, perhaps for coffee, to thank them for something.
It is very likely they will agree to that meeting.
When you do meet, tell them about aspects of your past relationship that you are sincerely grateful.
Tell them aspects of themselves that you admire and appreciate.
Everyone likes to hear complements and to be appreciated.
It is critical, however that your complements are sincere.
An insincere complement will be completely counterproductive.
As you've been telling him what you appreciate about him and the relationship, he's probably remembering why it was important to him as well.
If you now suggest that would like to maintain some type of friendly contact, he very well may be open to the idea.
Don't immediately suggest picking up where you left off.
Just keep it loose and friendly.
After that, it's a question of going slowly, staying positive and gradually regaining trust.

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