Marriage Problems - How to Fix Them
Marriage problems are never just a 'walk over', so to speak.
They are always accompanied by sleeplessness, severe stress, depression and insecurity.
Most women berate themselves and lay all the blame on their own shoulders as they believe that they are the cause of their husbands' unfaithfulness.
While each situation is indeed different, both parties do have their part to play in making their marriage successful.
Significant decrease in sexual activity within marriages is always a major reason for infidelity.
Men tend to work long hours and the responsibility of raising the children and tending to domestic chores usually falls squarely on the shoulders of the women; even though most women also have full time jobs.
So what tends to happens is that women are completely beat by the end of the day and having sexual relations is the last thing on their mind.
With men, the opposite is quite true; they seem to be always in the mood regardless of what is going on in their lives.
In such situations, sexual incompatibility easily develops.
In most cases, the husband may take his needs to be fulfilled elsewhere if the desired satisfaction is not readily forthcoming from the wife.
In such situations, it is hard to lay the blame on any one person.
Husbands do have a choice as do wives.
Some husbands may choose to understand and assist the woman with certain duties, so she is not totally exhausted at bedtime.
Unfortunately, many men do not do this and choose rather to take the attentions elsewhere.
Wives also can decide to hire a helper to assist with chores so she can be able to spend time with her husband prior to falling asleep.
Ideally, the best approach if for the couple to talk about the situation and attempt to identify possible workable scenarios where both parties can benefit from.
Marriage is all about compromise for the greater good and certain situations may require drastic changes in order to maintain the cohesiveness, which is the hall mark of a healthy marriage.
Therefore if both of you have busy schedules, you both need to come to the realization that in spite of the schedules and demands; the needs experienced are real and should be addressed.
By implementing such an approach, it shows that you care and are willing to work at achieving a mutually beneficial solution.
They are always accompanied by sleeplessness, severe stress, depression and insecurity.
Most women berate themselves and lay all the blame on their own shoulders as they believe that they are the cause of their husbands' unfaithfulness.
While each situation is indeed different, both parties do have their part to play in making their marriage successful.
Significant decrease in sexual activity within marriages is always a major reason for infidelity.
Men tend to work long hours and the responsibility of raising the children and tending to domestic chores usually falls squarely on the shoulders of the women; even though most women also have full time jobs.
So what tends to happens is that women are completely beat by the end of the day and having sexual relations is the last thing on their mind.
With men, the opposite is quite true; they seem to be always in the mood regardless of what is going on in their lives.
In such situations, sexual incompatibility easily develops.
In most cases, the husband may take his needs to be fulfilled elsewhere if the desired satisfaction is not readily forthcoming from the wife.
In such situations, it is hard to lay the blame on any one person.
Husbands do have a choice as do wives.
Some husbands may choose to understand and assist the woman with certain duties, so she is not totally exhausted at bedtime.
Unfortunately, many men do not do this and choose rather to take the attentions elsewhere.
Wives also can decide to hire a helper to assist with chores so she can be able to spend time with her husband prior to falling asleep.
Ideally, the best approach if for the couple to talk about the situation and attempt to identify possible workable scenarios where both parties can benefit from.
Marriage is all about compromise for the greater good and certain situations may require drastic changes in order to maintain the cohesiveness, which is the hall mark of a healthy marriage.
Therefore if both of you have busy schedules, you both need to come to the realization that in spite of the schedules and demands; the needs experienced are real and should be addressed.
By implementing such an approach, it shows that you care and are willing to work at achieving a mutually beneficial solution.