Home & Garden Pest Control

How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

One way to ruin your good mood while staying and relaxing at your own home is to discover that there are beetles crawling around inside your house.
It is very annoying to see that there are these small dark species of carpet beetles with brownish legs and colored marks on their back inhabiting on your windows, on your window screens, underneath your carpets, or on your closets and other areas of your home that you do not notice very much.
It is important that you get rid of carpet beetles as soon as you see them because it might damage your carpets or other furniture and products, especially those that are made of wools and other organic materials.
They can also be pests in stored grains, cereals, nuts and other products.
These insects also eat on fabric with cottons, linens or rayon, especially if they have spilled food or juices.
Without wasting more time, here are some easy steps you can do to help you exterminate these creepy crawlies:
  • Look for the source.
    It is important that you identify where all these beetles are coming from so it would be easy and systematic for you to get rid of them.
    You can determine the area of infestation through searching for their fecal matters that are pellet-shaped.
    You can also look for the shed skins of their larva.
    In addition, if there are holes in your fabric, there might be beetles infesting it.
  • You can use a vacuum to remove the beetles directly from the area of infestation.
    Be sure also that you exterminate their babies so they will not add up again.
  • If your fabrics were infested with carpet beetles, wash them thoroughly using soap and detergent.
    It is also important to use hot water to be more effective in getting rid of the carpet beetles.
  • Boric acid is also effective in killing the carpet beetles.
    It is very safe for human.
    Just dust off the beetles to exterminate them.
  • There are also carpet treatment products that contain different kind of chemicals very helpful in killing the beetles.
    If you see allethrin, bendiocarbs and chlorpyrifos as part of the carpet treatment product you are using, then your beetle infestation problems can soon be gone.
Carpet beetles are very resilient insects.
After getting rid of them, you may notice after few days or few weeks that they are infesting again underneath your carpet and the dark areas of your home.
If you think that there is no chance that you can handle your carpet beetle infestation problem, then, you may need to seek help from professional pest exterminators.

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