Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Solar Powered Lighting Has Come a Long Way

Solar Powered Lighting Systems have come a long way in a relatively short time. From floodlights and security lighting to streetlights and flag pole illumination, if you need outdoor lighting you no longer have to worry about where to plug it in. Or how to pay for the privilege of having your yard well lighted.
Solar lights for your walkways and decks can be the type that are photosensitive, so that they only come on at dusk, or motion sensitive to turn on when someone walks up. This is useful for security lighting, especially if the placement is such that it catches your attention when it comes on. Solar powered lights have been improved greatly in recent months. The rechargeable batteries in the lights are charged by the sun, and the charge lasts for several hours. This can mean having a light on the deck or walkway all night. For flag poles, the flag code calls for illumination for the US Color when it is left up at night. There are new flag pole lights which attach to the pole, either at the top to shine down on the flag, or on the pole itself shining up. No longer do you need to worry about whether you inadvertently turned it off, or if the bulb has burned out. Old Glory is waving properly illuminated at all times.
Solar powered indoor lights are also available, as are flashlights and lanterns. These do require solar panels situated to catch the sun. These are especially good for RVs, campers, and mobile homes.
Strings of small lights, for decorating outside on the patio or on shrubbery or trees are available, not just for holiday lights, but year round. No longer is it necessary to string a cord out to the yard, or to worry about the increase in the power bill. Stepping stones on the walkway are another fun and practical application of solar lighting. Garden lights to accent different plants or to make the walk safer at night are all excellent new uses for solar outdoor lighting.
The more uses we find for solar power, the more we can reduce our dependency on the power companies, and the better we can manage our budgets as well. This all brings us one step closer to getting off the grid. Solar Lighting systems are not only attractive and affordable; the power to run them is free.

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