Business & Finance Social Media

If You Are Using Twitter For Marketing You Are Probably Ruining Your Reputation Online!

It should be obvious to anybody that Twitter has awesome marketing potential.
However, chances are that if you are using Twitter for marketing online you are probably wrecking your reputation online and destroying your business in the process! If you have marketed for a while you should know that nobody wants to be sold to.
So, if you're sending tweets on Twitter that link directly to an offer you're seriously shooting yourself in the foot! More importantly, you're pushing your followers one step closer to unfollowing you! They probably get a ton of marketing tweets a day.
And they are most likely sick of them! So, by not separating yourself from the rest of the marketers on Twitter who know no better than to spam their followers you are failing to take advantage of the potential of Twitter.
You are becoming just another one of the guys they hate! If you do it right, however, they will not only respond well to your messages.
They will also start to look forward to getting future messages from you on Twitter! Imagine building a loyal following who are just waiting for the next message you send them.
Imagine the marketing potential that has! OK.
I'm not going to leave you hanging.
The secret to Twitter marketing is quality! You need to make sure that every single tweet you send to your followers is of the highest quality.
Whenever that tweet has a link the information on the other end of that link has is of the highest quality! I can't stress this too much! Never send a tweet that is not of the highest quality imaginable! Along the same lines it is important for me to stress that you should never send tweets with links that point directly to a sales page.
People know what a sales page looks like and if they find out that all you care about is selling stuff they will not hesitate to unfollow you.
And they most certainly will NOT buy whatever it is you are trying to sell.

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