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Help MS Windows Restore Function Save You When Catastrophe Strikes

You're minding your own business, twittering away, and reading E-Mails, or maybe surfing the net checking out some really cool freeware, then you notice your PC is running a little slower. A couple days later it is downright crawling, and/or you are getting a bunch of scary pop-ups telling you a virus has been detected, but you wonder why your trusty virus protection program never stopped the virus in the first place.

At that point you realize you have stepped in a virtual blob of bubble gum and just like the real thing can make walking very difficult, the virtual one makes computing very uncomfortable. So what do you do?! Well you can call your PC savvy friend who usually helps you out when you PC acts funny, but you may be wondering when she is going to start charging you because it seems like every two months you are at her door asking for help. Besides the smug look on her face is really starting to eat at your male ego, or you could take advantage of one of the better features that comes with your Windows operating system - what's that? You have a MAC, well then you will obviously never have these problems because the word is they never break... or maybe that's just a topic for another article.;>)

Anyway, the feature I am referring to is Windows Restore. It is an application that comes with Windows that restores all the system files to a previously saved date. Since many of the problems that occur with Windows based PCs are a result of system files that have been corrupted, or infected, performing a system restore can eliminate many problems that are hurting your system. Obviously, this is not a thorough as a good system back-up, but most people I know just don't find the time to apply a rigorous back-up plan, so this is probably the best alternative you have.

In order to perform a System Restore click on the following:






Wait a while for Windows to analyze your system - this is Windows so you know you'll have to wait a bit - You will them be prompted to pick a restore date. Windows will suggest the most recent restoration point, but you may want to go back further to ensure that you restore from a date prior to your problem beginning. To do this, check the CHOOSE DIFFERENT RESTORE POINT button and you will get a calendar of recent restore points to choose from. The problem is that left to its own devices, Windows will only create a restore point when you make a major update, such as adding a new application. If you rely on this schedule you will have to spend a lot of time downloading, Windows updates, Virus Updates, and application updates. This may be better than rebuilding your PC from the original image it came with but it can be time consuming none-the-less.

A better alternative would be to create your own restore points every week, this is accomplished by clicking on the link after 'To create a restore point' on the Restore Files page. If you do this you will have a multiple restore points to choose from and you can choose any one periods listed without having too much catch up to do. One caveat, only create restore points when you are pleased with the performance of your PC. If you believe it is not running at top efficiency, restore from a good date, download the updates you have missed and create another good restore point.

This may seem like a lot of work but it is much easier than rebuilding your PC and having to reload every application and update that has been added since you purchased your PC.

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