Home & Garden Pest Control

Termite Extermination - DIY

Termite extermination is a topic that is asked about on a daily basis, and most of the answers point you towards a professional termite exterminator.
However, did you know that termite extermination can be done at home for less money? Of course, particularly bad infestations of termites will still require the aid of professional exterminators, but for the less house-threatening infestations, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) extermination is a very real possibility.
Would you like to find out how to do some DIY termite extermination? Well, I'll tell you in just a moment.
Bait By mixing cardboard, paper, and other "food" items that are attractive to termites with a poison, you can entice a worker termite to bring the food back to the colony and feed it to them, effectively exterminating the colony from the inside out.
While it is a very effective method of termite extermination, it should be noted that it can take several months to work its way through the entire colony, meaning that it's hard to tell if the poision made it where it needs to in order to exterminate the whole colony, as opposed to just a few workers who found it and had a taste.
Liquid By using a liquid chemical designed to target termites(usually sold in a pump at your local home supply store), you can spray the areas that are either infested with termites, or the areas that you suspect are at risk for termites.
If you can spray all of the areas of infestation, this can be a very effective method of termite extermination.
However, if you miss a spot here or there, the termite infestation may only be reduced, not exterminated.
Borate This treatment is very similar to painting your house.
The borate will both act as a termite extermination treatment, and a termite prevention treatment.
It can either be painted onto the area that is at risk, or it can be painted on all of the wood parts of your house, effectively creating a termite barrier to prevent any infestation to begin with.
This is a great method to use when the house is first built, especially if the area is known to have termite problems.
Fumigation For certain types of termites, especially the dry wood termites that are prevalent in the southernmost United States, an extremely effective and fast method of termite extermination is fumigation.
By spraying a colorless, odorless gas that leaves no residue behind directly into the colony's network, you can quickly exterminate the entire colony.
Of course, very similar to the liquid termite extermination method, you have to find the entire colony and spray all of them in order for the treatment to be 100% effective.
Alternative and Natural Termite Extermination If you would like to completely avoid the use of chemicals in your attempts to exterminate your termite infestation, there are a few options available for you.
You can use natural fumigation methods, which are the same as using fumigation, but with a natural termite killer instead of chemicals.
There are also foam-based killers that don't use chemicals.
Using electrocution, while dangerous to people if done incorrectly, is a popular method of chemical-less extermination of termites.
Orange oil can be effective as an extermination tool, though not quite as effective as chemicals.
Then, of course, there is the option of simply removing all of the wood infested with termites (and taking the termites with it) and replacing it with new, fresh, uninfested wood.
All of these methods can prove effective for termite extermination, though to a varying degree.
They are all a little harder or a little more expensive than the chemical based treatments, but sometimes avoiding the chemicals is worth it.
Professional Termite Extermination I'm sorry to fall back on this one, but if the above methods fail, it is probably time to call a professional.
They will be able to find the entire colony and exterminate them quickly and effectively, though at a price.
But, pay the price for termite extermination, or pay the price to replace your home.
Your choice.

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