Turtle Nursery Themes
- The bedding and window treatments in any room play a large part in setting the decorative tone for the room. The turtle-themed bedding and curtains you buy for your baby will do more than just add another turtle visual to the room; these elements can also serve to tie the colors and the rest of the decor in the room together. For example, if you've chosen the colors blue, green and brown as the colors for your baby's room, look for bedding and window treatments that feature the turtle motif in those colors. Additionally, you can find other decorative elements to add to the bed, like turtle-shaped pillows and turtle-themed crib bumpers.
- An underwater mural featuring sea turtles offers you one way to bring the turtle theme into your baby's room on a large scale. Murals come in a variety of styles, so choose a visual style that matches the overall theme of your baby's room. For example, if you've chosen a more illustrative cartoon style, don't get a mural that features underwater photography of turtles. Additionally, you may decide that you don't want a mural that covers the whole wall, in which case you can still feature a mural on the wall --- just in a smaller scale.
- No rule exists that says you have to use a sandbox as a sandbox. Turtle sandboxes exist on the market. You can feature an item like this minus the sand in your nursery, and instead of filling it with sand, place it in the corner and fill it with stuffed toys. The toys can be a collection of different stuffed turtles or a variety of different kinds; this accessory will grow with your baby.
- A mobile gives a baby something to play with as well as look at, which helps her on a number of levels; the bright colors catch her eyes as her eyesight develops, and her fine motor skills develop as she plays. A turtle mobile encourages the development of these milestones as well as adds the turtle decorative element to her bed.