Building the Perfect Wedding Ceremony - What Are Your Intentions and Goals With This Marriage?
Wedding ceremonies do many important things.
But one thing that many miss is having the couple speak in their own voice and language.
I'm a ritual queen.
I love it when we use formulaic statements that tie our words to the words and worlds of those who went before.
It adds weight to what we do.
This is the work of the wedding vows in the wedding ceremony.
But I'm also aware that such an experience is deepened when the participants (that would be sweetpeas one and two!) speak in their own voices.
They'll be charmed.
You'll be glad you said what you wanted for the world to hear because the words will resonate with you forever.
It will also lend power to your wedding vows.
Tip:The Statement of Intent is an under-utilized and very important part of the wedding ceremony.
Find the words to tell the world (and yourself!) that you intend to be married forever.
That's the only way your community can support you.
It will also help you focus on your dream.
Why shouldn't your marriage be a success?
But one thing that many miss is having the couple speak in their own voice and language.
I'm a ritual queen.
I love it when we use formulaic statements that tie our words to the words and worlds of those who went before.
It adds weight to what we do.
This is the work of the wedding vows in the wedding ceremony.
But I'm also aware that such an experience is deepened when the participants (that would be sweetpeas one and two!) speak in their own voices.
- It jars the listeners a bit, helps them open their hearts, and allows them to enter even more deeply into the ceremony.
It gives them a better idea of why they want to support you in this great endeavor. - It helps the couple to have a body memory of what they are doing with this person and why.
You should have defined goals for your marriage.
They should include forever after.
They might include choices of lifestyle, whether or not to have a family, what you find important. - The informality allows your voices to be heard.
Such simple statements lodge in a different place in your hearts and lives, not necessarily sweeter, just different from the place that houses the formal pronouncements made by both celebrant and couple.
They'll be charmed.
You'll be glad you said what you wanted for the world to hear because the words will resonate with you forever.
It will also lend power to your wedding vows.
Tip:The Statement of Intent is an under-utilized and very important part of the wedding ceremony.
Find the words to tell the world (and yourself!) that you intend to be married forever.
That's the only way your community can support you.
It will also help you focus on your dream.
Why shouldn't your marriage be a success?