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Designing and Using Your Own Team Building Exercise and Activities

If you have noted that your employees are taking more off days, or they are lacking interest in the task at hand, this could be a sign that your work culture is deteriorating. Team building exercise and activities let staff and management relax and socialize freely without worrying about the hierarchies.

Team building is a process of assisting a group of individuals to work as one unit, where members get appreciated, respected and through this they work towards a common set of goals. Most such activities can be handled by you or your management team, and the more intense exercises should be handled by a third party.

The first step in selecting the right team assessment approach for your team begins with you analyzing the reason for initiating a team building day. Check your budget and how much it will cost you to bring your team together.

Professionals believe that that all team assessment activities should not only focus on the fun, but fun is a popular form of team adjustment. On the other hand the cost of the whole process, adventure based or experimental activities for your team can hurt your budget, but focus on reinforcing some attributes such as relationship building, cooperation and trust. Do not forget to assist employees to identify their strengths and weaknesses that can be found in strategies done in an office. The good thing about experimental team building exercise is that if they are done in a neutral environment, they turn out to be fun.

After designing and using your own team adjustment exercise and activities, how will you know they are effective? For starters, find out if the reason that prompted you to initiate a team building has been fulfilled. Then, prior to the team assessment, ask everybody to fill out a team assessment survey. Check the improvement plan that has been created by the team during the process, finally, find out if changes have been put in place and what has been their impact. If the team members are in union to change the way the team operates, ask them to state on the extent to which they have put in place these changes and the outcomes.

Activities and exercise are a good way of rewarding your staff for their effort in the work place and show your commitment to them through the use of experimental methods. These activities and exercises can be of great benefit in assisting your employees to discover their strengths, weaknesses and the areas that need improvement, by simply sitting in the meeting room and having constructive and meaningful conversations.

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