This World is a Paradise Given to Us to Accomplish Our Purpose
Did you know this world is a paradise? Anything and everything you will ever need or desire is already here.
It is up to us to discover this paradise and we must learn how to access its unlimited, vast treasures.
Our Creator is in it all the way to assist us to accomplish our purpose for being here.
This level of living is for the spoken intention of maneuvering and manipulating the challenges of this super-abundant life, which has also been given to you as a gift, as we ourselves become aware of the Divinity within.
The Christian Bible quotes, "the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17 KJV).
You are within the Consciousness of Omnipotence and the Consciousness of Omnipotence is within you.
In this place of abode, you have unlimited resources and untold wisdom which has been given to you as precious and much-needed gifts from our Divine Father, our Source.
These precious gifts belong to you.
Whether you have awareness, understanding, or even whether you will utilize these gifts does not take away from the facts that they have always been available to you and that they will always be available to you.
The Almighty designed this world to be self sufficient so that whatever we need, whenever we need it, we will have it.
Nevertheless, just because it was designed this way does not mean that everyone has their needs met.
Take a look at the inhabitants of this world.
There are so many people who are destitute and living through terrible challenges in this life's experience.
The known fact still remains that there is no shortage in this earth's abundance.
So, to obtain, we must become aware of the system the Almighty has put in place.
If you know the system, you can work it to help you and others to live the good life that you have imagined.
I must emphasize that we are not here solely for the attaining of the treasures of this world.
We must focus on our purpose.
The Master Jesus told us that He came to preach the "Good News".
Well, here it is.
This earth is a paradise and all our needs have already been met.
I refer to the Christian Bible in the book of Matthew where it says that all who ask, receive.
It says all who seek, find.
It also says that the door will be opened to all those who knock.
Please note that it does not give any distinctions or limitations in what you are asking for, or what it is that you are seeking, nor which doors you are allowed to knock on.
You have been given a free hand to ask, seek or knock.
As the Lord has so richly given us all things to enjoy, the determining factor is discovering, knowing and working within your purpose for being here.
The more we understand our purpose, the greater this life's experience will be.
We get out of life what we put in life.
Maximize your daily life by being aware of your purpose.
Work the system as it has been designed and you, too, will be a demonstration of the good news that Jesus preached.
This good news is available to all.
It is up to us to discover this paradise and we must learn how to access its unlimited, vast treasures.
Our Creator is in it all the way to assist us to accomplish our purpose for being here.
This level of living is for the spoken intention of maneuvering and manipulating the challenges of this super-abundant life, which has also been given to you as a gift, as we ourselves become aware of the Divinity within.
The Christian Bible quotes, "the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17 KJV).
You are within the Consciousness of Omnipotence and the Consciousness of Omnipotence is within you.
In this place of abode, you have unlimited resources and untold wisdom which has been given to you as precious and much-needed gifts from our Divine Father, our Source.
These precious gifts belong to you.
Whether you have awareness, understanding, or even whether you will utilize these gifts does not take away from the facts that they have always been available to you and that they will always be available to you.
The Almighty designed this world to be self sufficient so that whatever we need, whenever we need it, we will have it.
Nevertheless, just because it was designed this way does not mean that everyone has their needs met.
Take a look at the inhabitants of this world.
There are so many people who are destitute and living through terrible challenges in this life's experience.
The known fact still remains that there is no shortage in this earth's abundance.
So, to obtain, we must become aware of the system the Almighty has put in place.
If you know the system, you can work it to help you and others to live the good life that you have imagined.
I must emphasize that we are not here solely for the attaining of the treasures of this world.
We must focus on our purpose.
The Master Jesus told us that He came to preach the "Good News".
Well, here it is.
This earth is a paradise and all our needs have already been met.
I refer to the Christian Bible in the book of Matthew where it says that all who ask, receive.
It says all who seek, find.
It also says that the door will be opened to all those who knock.
Please note that it does not give any distinctions or limitations in what you are asking for, or what it is that you are seeking, nor which doors you are allowed to knock on.
You have been given a free hand to ask, seek or knock.
As the Lord has so richly given us all things to enjoy, the determining factor is discovering, knowing and working within your purpose for being here.
The more we understand our purpose, the greater this life's experience will be.
We get out of life what we put in life.
Maximize your daily life by being aware of your purpose.
Work the system as it has been designed and you, too, will be a demonstration of the good news that Jesus preached.
This good news is available to all.