Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Secret to Attaining Goals = Perspective

A centuries-old story has been passed down through the ages that explains the truth about using our gifts and talents with wisdom, to the degree they were intended to be used, and how that brings about health, abundance, energy, passion and more of the many good things life has to offer.
It also tells how not using the gifts we have will result in frustration and even the loss of that ability in the long run, so there is no realization of the greatness or happiness available.
The moral?Discover your gifts and use them every single day!Want health?Learn how to allow your natural gifts to help you get it.
Is it success you seek?Your natural abilities will bring it about seemingly effortlessly.
Is it time, happiness or meaningful relationship you long for?You guessed it.
Learning how to put your God-given gifts to work for you will bring these to fruition too.
Perhaps, reading this, you're headed into something new..
a fresh start.
Maybe you've just been hit with a major setback, or it might be that you're reading this at the dawn of a brand new year.
In any case, it's during these times that we're most likely to reflect.
A few of us look inward to discover what can be done differently, so our outcome next time is closer to what we want.
Too many of us look outside ourselves for the reason we're not where we want to be, finding a person or a situation to blame for our circumstance.
And far, far too many people don't engage in any introspect at all.
Yet it's introspection that fuels our growth to be, do and have more.
I propose (no matter what you're working to overcome right now, what your goals are or what new and exciting venture is in front of you) that once you look inward to your natural gifts, all things will begin to fall into place.
A big part of what I teach includes looking at your purpose, destiny, calling, gift, anointing.
Simply put, there is a thing you know how to do that no man has ever had to teach you.
Following this purpose will allow you to achieve your financial dreams, serve others, have strong relationships, be happier and find more time.
What?Knowing one's purpose can do all of that?Yes, it can!You see, once you begin to delve into the gifts, talents and abilities you have, there is a never-ending supply of energy and passion to drive you forward.
It's easy to comprehend, really.
Think of a time you were working on something that you didn't really enjoy.
Most likely it was something that didn't come naturally to you.
Think of how you had to stop and process and think and learn, maybe even force yourself to keep moving to the next phase of the task.
Now think of a situation where you spent time engaged in doing something you loved, something that came easy.
Stop and think..
which of these tasks resulted in more energy?Which stirred up excitement to continue doing the task? Maybe with one, you were relieved when the task was complete, and with the other, you could have continued performing the task for hours.
When we're doing something that we love and/or that comes easily, time passes quickly and the result is most often outstanding.
When the opposite is the case, we many times end up drained and weary.
My challenge to you is to stop and consider how different your life, career, business, finances, relationships, health and happiness would be if you operated in your gifts and purpose all the time.
Whether you're a retail clerk or the owner of a multi-million dollar organization, whether an author or an engineer, a stay-at-home parent or world-traveling road warrior, this truth will work for you.
I believe knowing one's purpose is the key to all happiness and success.
To discover, with my compliments, what your natural gifts are and to learn how they can turn your goals into reality, Click here: http://donnakrech.

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