Family & Relationships Weddings

Painting Theme Party Ideas

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    Fall Painting

    • The colors of fall can be recreated with painting projects.Fall Leaves image by Paul DeLuca from <a href=''></a>

      Use fall's warm colors and natural elements to create a painting party. Have the party outside if possible. Set up a picnic table with painting projects. Party guests can make prints of real Autumn leaves by brushing paint directly on them and then pressing them on a sheet of paper. Have kids gather leaves and a stick. Tape the leaves to one end and use it instead of a brush to paint.

      Another appropriate project for a fall painting party is to make a forest of trees from hand prints. Start by having each child cut a tree trunk from a sheet of construction paper. Glue them on a long sheet of butcher paper. Pour different-colored paint into aluminum pie plates. Let the kids dip their hands in the colors and press on the tree trunks to create colorful fall leaves.

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