Business & Finance Bankruptcy

How People Get Involved With Bankruptcy Fraud

People faced with financial distress sometimes go to great lengths as they try to solve their financial problems.
Most people will follow the right channels of going to court to file a petition for bankruptcy.
The same people will also try to help themselves and go through financial education so as to learn how to handle their finances.
These are normally the right channels that an individual has to follow as the court rules stipulate.
Not all people will follow these court rules.
A small percentage of people will commit bankruptcy fraud and thus distract the normal proceedings of the court on how to solve such a case.
There are many types of financial crimes that most people engage themselves in, the most common being the debtor hiding some of the assets that he has with friends and relatives.
Once the debtors have decided that he wants to file for bankruptcy, they transfer some of their assets to a close friend or relative.
Other ways in which people who have not been able to pay off their debts commit insolvency fraud is by filing for the same in multiple states.
This could be a dangerous move since most of the states have their own ways of dealing with insolvent individuals.
It could also get very serious if one of the states decide to press charges.
This type of fraud could also lead to poor international relations leading to poor trading terms amongst nations.
Another common crime is where the debtor moves to another country and uses false identity and fake social security number.
It is wise that an individual follow the right channels to solve their financial situation instead of digging into more problems caused by insolvency fraud.

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