Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

The Secret of a Dream

The collaboration of our ideas, emotions and sensations occurring in our mind during the stages of sleep is known as a dream.
It is hard to say why we see dreams, what their purpose is or why they have a specific content.
There is a vast variety of scientific speculations, philosophical treatises and religious opinions about dreams.
All what we know is that the about 3/4 of his life one spends in dreams sleeping on his sleeping bed.
The first main approaching in this field of science was the discovering of rapid-eye-movement phase of sleep also known as REM sleep.
Now the science states that it is the REM stage of sleep when our dreams appear.
It happens because during this stage the brain activity is much higher than usual and does not allow it to be awakened.
When one falls in REM stage of sleep his eyes start moving rapidly and continuously.
It is also stated that dreams can occur during the other stages of sleep but they will don't have much strength to be remembered at the awakening.
Some dreams can last just for a split second while others can for a long time (more than twenty minutes).
What is clearly known the dreams are to do with subconscious.
Some people see normal or common dreams while the others suffering nightmares.
History knows various examples when dreams gave inspiration and creative thought to a dreamer.
Mostly dreamers can't control their dreams, which is the reason of why they commonly see surrealistic or unrealistic dreams.
But it is possible to get the control of the dream by training the special ability allowing mind be awakened during the sleep time.
The electroencephalogram (also known as EEG) shows that brain activity is its highest point (even if mind sleeps the activity of it is similar with one during the wakefulness) during the rapid-eye-movement phase of a sleep and is the main reason of dream occurring.
When comparing the dream memories the ones in dreams which occurred in REM phase are clearer than those in non REM phases.
During his life a person spends about six years snoring in his sleeping bed.
It is not only human beings who can see dreams.
Scientists' researches have shown that the ability of dream presents in many organisms on Earth.
All mammals, in particular, have the ability to dream while in REM but dolphins, for example, experience it at minimal level while humans are in the middle and the armadillo is among the strong dreamers.
That the dream is an ever-present excitation of long-term memory was suggested by Eugen Tarnow who based his theory on the works of Freud (mostly on "Dream Work").
Yet we still don't clearly know what the dream is or why we have an ability to dream, that is why we should lie on our beds and enjoy the free opportunity to reveal the unprecedented worlds.

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