One Small Step Can Change Your Life!
Step by step guide to be successful in life...
Instead of New Year resolutions which barely last until the end of January, why not try some life-changing techniques which will see you through this year and beyond.
Be the best you can and work towards your goals.
You determine what happens in life, you choose your path and only you can change which path you're going to travel.
Be a stronger, healthier and more assertive person with this step by step guide to finding the new you...
Firstly; set yourself high goals! You have been trained to think in a certain way due to a few factors such as upbringing, life experiences and relationships and so on.
Don't allow your lifestyle to be restricted by boundaries that you subconsciously build around yourself.
Think big and act upon your dreams.
For example; if you are the type of person who thinks it would be wonderful to visit the Bahamas and then dismiss the idea as something that other people do, change your way of thinking.
Make that dream trip to the Bahamas a reality by working towards it.
So, create new and exciting goals for yourself.
Mean what you say! This brings me to my next step; have a really hard think about what you want out of life? Do you enjoy your job? Are you happy where you live? Are you happy with your partner? Make a list titled "my priorities" Write down 20 things on the list, put a star next to the ones that are really; really important to you and then highlight three that are essential to you.
Start putting serious effort into the top three things.
Whatever they are, mean what say, and start implementing a new plan of action.
Follow up the items on the rest of the list when you feel ready, in order of importance.
Expect the worse.
Fear of failure is a demon and can actually hold you back-you make bad life choices because of the fear of "failing".
You have to fail at some point before you really succeed.
Look at any of the worlds most successful businessmen and women and you will find they have experienced failure on their way to the top.
But they carried on the fight another day - and eventually reached their goal.
Things can go a bit of course at times but with the right attitude you will be back on track.
Don't be yourself! Do you look at other people and admire their confidence, their attitude to life or their personality? Do you feel you lack that certain something and it's holding you back in life? Well, fake it! You are entitled to suddenly change and be more positive, more outgoing more studious, whatever! People who know you will comment and say things like "that's not like you" but so what? Change is a good thing and, before you know it those new characteristics will be part of you.
Look the part! Dress to impress on every occasion.
Not suggesting that you go for a walk in the park dressed up in the nines-wear what ever is appropriate for the occasion but wear it with style.
Even if you haven't got a wardrobe full of spectacular clothes, use the ones you have got to the best of your advantage.
Always be smart and well groomed.
This creates a good impression on others and more importantly will make you feel confident.
Be confident! We all want confidence; some of us don't have much at all.
One little trick you could try is to look back at the year just passed- and realize just how quickly time passed by.
Then think about all the things you want to achieve in life-and realize that the race is on! This little wake-up call might just push you on to be more confident because, without it, you may still hit target- but it's going to take a lot longer!
Instead of New Year resolutions which barely last until the end of January, why not try some life-changing techniques which will see you through this year and beyond.
Be the best you can and work towards your goals.
You determine what happens in life, you choose your path and only you can change which path you're going to travel.
Be a stronger, healthier and more assertive person with this step by step guide to finding the new you...
Firstly; set yourself high goals! You have been trained to think in a certain way due to a few factors such as upbringing, life experiences and relationships and so on.
Don't allow your lifestyle to be restricted by boundaries that you subconsciously build around yourself.
Think big and act upon your dreams.
For example; if you are the type of person who thinks it would be wonderful to visit the Bahamas and then dismiss the idea as something that other people do, change your way of thinking.
Make that dream trip to the Bahamas a reality by working towards it.
So, create new and exciting goals for yourself.
Mean what you say! This brings me to my next step; have a really hard think about what you want out of life? Do you enjoy your job? Are you happy where you live? Are you happy with your partner? Make a list titled "my priorities" Write down 20 things on the list, put a star next to the ones that are really; really important to you and then highlight three that are essential to you.
Start putting serious effort into the top three things.
Whatever they are, mean what say, and start implementing a new plan of action.
Follow up the items on the rest of the list when you feel ready, in order of importance.
Expect the worse.
Fear of failure is a demon and can actually hold you back-you make bad life choices because of the fear of "failing".
You have to fail at some point before you really succeed.
Look at any of the worlds most successful businessmen and women and you will find they have experienced failure on their way to the top.
But they carried on the fight another day - and eventually reached their goal.
Things can go a bit of course at times but with the right attitude you will be back on track.
Don't be yourself! Do you look at other people and admire their confidence, their attitude to life or their personality? Do you feel you lack that certain something and it's holding you back in life? Well, fake it! You are entitled to suddenly change and be more positive, more outgoing more studious, whatever! People who know you will comment and say things like "that's not like you" but so what? Change is a good thing and, before you know it those new characteristics will be part of you.
Look the part! Dress to impress on every occasion.
Not suggesting that you go for a walk in the park dressed up in the nines-wear what ever is appropriate for the occasion but wear it with style.
Even if you haven't got a wardrobe full of spectacular clothes, use the ones you have got to the best of your advantage.
Always be smart and well groomed.
This creates a good impression on others and more importantly will make you feel confident.
Be confident! We all want confidence; some of us don't have much at all.
One little trick you could try is to look back at the year just passed- and realize just how quickly time passed by.
Then think about all the things you want to achieve in life-and realize that the race is on! This little wake-up call might just push you on to be more confident because, without it, you may still hit target- but it's going to take a lot longer!