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Mike Dillard"s Advice - The Only 3 Things You Need to Build a Successful MLM-Network Business

Hello folks Pat Olds coming at you from the beautiful state of Oregon.
Listen I was on a webinar the other night with my friend and business partner Mike Dillard and I wanted to condense his advice and share it with you today.
He talks about staying focused in your business and the only 3 steps you need to be doing to build a successful MLM/Network Business.
What are these 3 steps? By the way I'll give you details how to access some Free information that will tell you exactly how to do these 3 steps in your business.
So let's dive right into them shall we? Step One: Build a List...
Easier said then done for most but without doing this one thing you will never build a successful business.
Step Two: Build a relationship with the people on your list.
Why is this so important? People don't join a business.
They join the person they believe in, trust in, and like.
You must earn the right to share your opportunity with them first.
Step Three: Provide valuable solutions to your list.
Offer people tips that will help them move forward.
This can be in the form of how to tips in marketing, or how to build a business, but it is important that you are not pushing your business on them.
If you offer great helpful information they will come to you and that my friend is the ultimate goal.
Mike goes into great detail how to accomplish these three steps and you can grab some of his free video training below on the subject however I want to make sure you walk away from reading this with a little bit more value.
So here I go.
Don't worry about capture pages, websites, what helpful tips you can send people on your list, being brand new, don't know what to do yet.
All that information is at a click of the button below but let's expand on putting this all together.
The number one thing you must spend your energy and focus on is driving TRAFFIC to your capture page.
On your capture page you must be giving something of real value in exchange for their name and email.
Do not mention your company.
Your mindset and the message on your capture page better be about helping them or you will end up sounding like everyone else pitching the same song and dance.
By the way if you are driving traffic to your business website promoting your business first you are making one of the biggest mistakes most new Network Marketers are making.
What is the key to drive traffic to your website one might ask? Focus on ONE and only ONE way to drive traffic to your capture page.
It can be articles, videos, PPC, ezines, Social Media does not matter what does matter is staying focused on ONE and do not jump around trying a different technique until you master the first one.
This alone is a HUGE mistake Newbies make.
They are desperate for leads, and think that if they throw enough junk out there, when they see what is working they will focus on that method.
Folks it just does not work that way sorry.
What is the Most Valuable Skill Set you can Learn? In the beginning if you plug into some help and advice below you won't need to, but as you progress in your marketing efforts if you want to build a large business you must learn this.
That is Copy writing.
You can drive all the traffic you want but if you can not move the reader to the next step your toast.
In conclusion I'll close with Mike Dillard's biggest tip he uses that has enabled him to build an empire in the millions yearly.
It's called Mike's Daily Five: Every night before retiring he writes out a list of the top 5 things he needs to do for the following day.
What this does is gives you a clear focus on what you need to do the following day.
Be sure when you make out your list that the top 3 are income producing activities, like placing an ad, writing and submitting an article, making a video and posting it on YouTube etc.
Watching webinars, training videos, reading emails, surfing the social sites, the web etc.
should only amount to no more than 20% of your time.
Just remember the 80 - 20 rule.
80% needs to be spent marketing 20% in training.
Remember it's not have fast you start, it's how strong you finish.

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