Health & Medical Eating & Food

Mediterranean Diet Foods


    • Butter is replaced with healthy fats such as olive oil and canola oil. Extra virgin and virgin olive oil are the least processed fats and contain compounds that provide antioxidant effects. A small portion of nuts provides the body with healthy fats.


    • Very little red meat is eaten. Poultry, lean red meat, and grilled or water packed fish and shellfish make up the protein intake.


    • Skim, fat-free and low-fat dairy products are consumed in place of fatty cheeses and whole milk.

    Grains and Plant Foods

    • Whole grain breads, rice and pasta are eaten instead of processed white versions. Generous amounts of fruits, vegetables and beans are part of the Mediterranean Diet.


    • To flavor foods, herbs and spices are used as an alternative to salt. Excess salt can lead to high blood pressure.


    • Light intake of red wine may reduce heart disease. For those who don't drink, a substitute to alcohol is purple grape juice.

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