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How to Get a Bigger and Curvier Butt

   While some people want a smaller butt, some want one a little larger and more shapely, especially with the attention that celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce Knowles, and Kim Kardashian have drawn. In this article I will discuss how to build a bigger butt.

   The only true method to get your butt bigger is to build muscle. You can actually make your butt rounder and larger by altering the appearance of the muscles in it. The methods below will not only dramatically increase the size of your butt, but it will also improve the shape of your legs, giving a more proportioned appearance.

Best butt exercises

There are a lot of exercises out there that can assist with building a nicely shaped butt, but squats and lunges are the best exercises, and they will work the raw muscles in your butt to give you the best results.
  • Lunges - Stand in a split stance with the right foot forward and the left leg back.The feet should be about 2 to 3 feet apart, depending on your leg length. Before you lunge, make sure your torso is straight and that you're up on the back toe. Bend the knees and lower the body down until the back knee is a few inches from the floor. At the bottom of the movement, the front thigh should be parallel to the floor and the back knee should point toward the floor. Keep the weight evenly distributed between both legs and push back up, keeping the weight in the heel of the front foot Repeat for all reps before switching sides. Repeat for 3 sets of 8-16 reps
  • Squats - Stand with feet hip-width apart and, for added intensity, hold weights at shoulder level or at your sides. Bend the knees, and lower into a squat, keeping the knees behind the toes. Imagine that you're sticking your butt out behind you, but keep the torso upright and contracted. Press into the heels to stand up. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 8-16 reps

Squeeze your butt muscles

This is a technique where you let your mind target and activate your muscles. You must squeeze,
  • Every time you push up from a squat
  • Every time you stretch with your bodyweight
  • Every time you do any leg exercise
  • Push with your heels

Instead of doing your exercises flat footed, stand on your heels. What this will do is send more tension towards your butt, making it work harder.

The butt muscles generally take longer to recover than most muscles, so I would suggest that you focus on them with this technique only a few times week. After that, alternate the exercises so you don't risk over working any muscles. To help speed up muscle recovery you could also add these foods to your diet,


Pineapple and Papaya

Pasta with meat sauce

Chocolate milk

Green tea

Use weights

Low reps with heavy weights are the key to buildin muscle

High reps and low weights are for toning muscle

So while doing these exercises use heavy weights such as 10, 20, or 25lb dumbells to add to your workout

   Only do these exercises 3 or 4 times a week at the most to give your muscles the time to properly rest. If you want a more detailed version of other exercies, here is a very helpful book that provided me with a specific program to follow here. I've been consitently doing these exercies for about 2 months and I have already gained 2 inches around my hips. They key is to stay consistent and follow the program and to not have unrealistic expectations. Good luck!

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