Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Is There an App for That?

If you haven't heard or said these words - Is there an app for that? You soon will.
It wasn't so many years ago that mobile phones were something that was coming in the future, and when they did come out they were so big and bulky they needed their own carry case! It wasn't until August 1991 that in the Interweb came to our home computers - only twenty years ago.
Now our mobile phones have more grunt, memory and power than our home PC's did! In the world of mobile phones, there are a number of SmartPhones on the market which use a variety of apps.
Apps that you can download to find music, find a partner, to relax, to play a game, to cook a steak, find a location, you name it and there is probably an app for it.
A few interesting facts, just last month Apple customers had downloaded over 10 billion apps.
10 billion! Right now, there are around 350,000 different apps for the iPhone and around 200,000 apps for the Android.
Have you seen the lighter app? At concerts you no longer need an actual flame for an encore, you just hold up your phone! And there is even a "Pray" app.
You type in your prayer and then hit the AMEN button! My question - where does it go?? In our "convenience world" we want things now and quickly.
We don't need to wait, we don't need patience, we don't need to have anticipation anymore.
We just download.
I have a Kindle for books.
I love it! Where ever I am in the world, I can purchase and download a book from Amazon and it is on my Kindle within 30 seconds.
But is it? Are people losing their talents and resources of patience? Of tenacity? Of will power? Imagine if there was an app you could download for things like happiness, or an app for weight loss, or an app for love.
I'd buy it! Some people even think that by learning NLP they have an app for these things.
They do in some sense, but it is just an app of tools - the actual doing still needs to be done.
Many of us are looking for change.
A change in life, a change in relationship, in job or career, in finances or situation.
While there may not be a phone app for change, I do think there is an application to make change happen.
Over the next three week, I will be discussing three components which make up an application for change.
Remember - change isn't something that magically happens, it is something we make happen.

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