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Six Ways to Plant Trees in Your Yard

Planting trees in your yard is a great way to enhance the landscape in your property.
Growing trees and fruit trees is a worthwhile and exciting endeavor.
By taking time to plant trees in your yard properly, you can be sure that they will grow healthy and strong.
As soon as you have decided what trees to plant, you can proceed to a nursery or garden center to purchase them.
You can purchase bare root plants or those in pots.
When you bring them home, it is time to start planting.
The following are some ways to properly plant trees in your yard.
Start planting a tree in your yard in moderate weather since trees require moderate rainfall and sunshine.
The best time to plant trees in your yard is during spring and fall.
However, check out the guidelines for the tree you want to plant.
Begin by digging the hole and be careful about it since you could make mistakes when digging the hole.
Remember that tree roots need access to water and oxygen so avoid from digging a very deep hole.
Dig the hole three-quarters as deep as the height of the root ball of the tree and dig the hole wider by several inches on all sides.
Regardless if the tree was transplanted from a container or wrapped in burlap at the roots, make sure to loosen the soil around the roots before your proceed.
Let the roots breathe before you plant and separate from the wrapping.
Place the tree in the hole that you dug and set it loosely in the hole.
Make sure that you do not damage or compact the roots.
Cover the roots by returning the soil to the hole.
Some roots should be above the hole surface then make a mound on top of the roots to the base of the tree and make certain that the soil is loose.
Fertilize the soil around the tree you just planted.
Avoid fertilizing directly at the root ball.
When the tree has been planted, continue monitoring the weather to make certain that your tree gets enough water to the roots.
Your tree will need more water during summer or during winter.
Keep in mind that even though trees take some time to fully grow, the wait is well worth it because you will definitely enjoy a lot of benefits from trees around your yard.
This is particularly true if you decide to plant fruit trees.
You will be able to reap your harvest in a few years' time and enjoy the fruits.
Trees not only provide shade for your property and keep it cool but also boost the curb appeal and landscape of your property.
Trees around your home also serve as good investment because it adds value to your home if you plan to sell it later on.
A home with trees around is a good sight and is very popular among homebuyers everywhere.
By taking time to plant trees in your yard, you will be able to enjoy them in the years to come.

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