What Is the Best Homeopathic Treatment for Acne?
- A professional homeopath may administer belladonna, calendula, hepar sulphur and silicea to cure acne, depending on a patient's medical history.
- Homeopathy treats acne by using diluted herbs, animal substances and some carefully selected mineral compounds. A professional homeopath evaluates the patient to determine an appropriate and safe treatment.
- While chemical acne treatment causes skin dryness, most homeopathic cures for acne are safe to use, with no side effects, and based on natural herbal healing ingredients.
- According to homeopathic philosophy, "like cures like," so the actual remedy for acne depends on its cause. Homeopathy does not guarantee quick results---as the severity of acne varies from person to person, so does the response to homeopathic remedies.
- No concrete evidence proves that nutrition plays a role in the formation of acne, but some medical professionals suggest a low-glycemic diet. Avoiding suspected trigger foods also might help. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, food allergies could be a factor in adult-onset acne.