What Color Looks Good on Dark Blondes With Pale Skin?
- Silver profiles can wear dark jewel tones.sexy blonde girl in red dress image by NorthShoreSurfPhotos from Fotolia.com
According to the new system of color profiling, a dark blonde with ivory skin is considered a silver. A person with a silver color profile should wear softer colors from the pastel family. A silver profile can also pull off dark jewel tones in green and purples. For metallic fabrics, stay in the silver and platinum range. - Color profiles offer a base line of colors from which to work.dress maker's dummy image by agno_agnus from Fotolia.com
Although color profiles are helpful, they can eliminate colors that may in fact look good on certain individuals. If a person falls in the silver category based on skin and hair, but several of the gold colors work well for the person's complexion, then continue to wear those colors. The art of color profiling is not an exact science. - Color profiling gives a base selection of colors from which to work. "Working within your color palette, you will develop the ability to put together captivating new outfits quickly and easily," states Sue DiAntonio of Color Me Beautiful.