Family & Relationships Conflict

How Can I Tell If My Ex Boyfriend Still Likes Me? Can I Get Him Back?

After breaking up with someone you naturally still have feelings for them and will most likely miss them.
You may even want to get back with your ex.
It's an emotional time after a break up, especially if you want to get back with your ex.
Do they feel the same? How can I tell if my ex boyfriend still likes me? The best thing to do is take your time.
Don't be too desperate or rush into anything.
Playing hard to get (with in reason) is often the best way to approach the post break up situation.
If you want to get back with your ex, going in to fast or desperate may well just push them further away.
How can you tell if your ex boyfriend still likes you? There are a number of things to consider when trying to find out if he still likes you.
What caused the break up? It may not be as desperate a situation as you think.
If the break up wasn't too harsh then chances are he will still have feelings for you.
Is he paying you any attention? If after the break up he still calls, talks to you, flirts and seems to want to spend time with you then it can be a good indication that he does still like you.
This comes with a word of warning though.
Be sure that these are genuine actions.
He knows how you feel and at lonely times he may come to you without any real intention of getting back together.
That's why it's important not to jump in to fast, take a step back and analyze their motives.
This can at times be hard to do and also be careful not to over analyze everything he does.
You should also take time to analyse what went wrong in the relationship.
If you know what caused the problems then you can work at fixing them so they don't happen again.
How can i tell if my ex boyfriend still likes me? If you take a step back it should soon become clear by his actions if he likes you still.

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