Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

Los Angeles Events Digital Wedding Photography

Here are some interesting tips about your wedding Photography So there's going to be a Wedding! I'm sure you have a number of things that you would like to know about Wedding Photography before the Wedding.
Who is photographing my wedding? How big a wedding album or package do I want - how many pictures? How much time should we allow for the taking of the formal pictures at the church? How can we cut down on the time it takes to do the formal pictures? How to make the formal picture taking go smoothly and quickly? How can we have more informal, candid photographs at the reception for a minimal cost? Are there things I should do to make my photographs better? Should I decorate the cake cutting area? What else should I remember to bring for the photographer's special photographs? Who is photographing my wedding? You have hired a professional photographer to take beautiful and memorable pictures of your special day.
It is important that the professional be allowed to do his very best.
To this end, please ask your friends and family to be sure and wait until the photographer has finished taking his pictures before they start shooting.
This is especially important during the formal pictures at the church in front of the altar and at the reception during the cake cutting.
There are two reasons for this; first of all the photographer composes the formal pictures as well as those at the reception to produce the best images possible for your album.
Secondly, in most cases, a professional photographer uses more than one flash unit both on the formal and cake cutting pictures.
These other units are called "slaves" which means they light up just at the instant the flash goes off on the camera.
The light from other people's camera flashes will also trigger the "slave" to flash.
The "slave" is battery powered and requires a few seconds to recycle for the next flash.
If the flash has just gone off from another person's flash, the photographer might miss a good picture or you will get pictures where his flash did not fire because it did not have time to recycle - thus a bad picture.

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