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How Social Media Marketing Can Benefit Your Business

It has been less than a decade since social media websites entered mainstream America and quickly became a part of everyday life for internet users worldwide. With this rapid growth of social media networking has come the equally rapid growth of social media marketing, knows also as SMM. SMM involved promoting your business via original, compelling content that you upload to and circulate through social media websites.

Gaining a following on Facebook, MySpace and other similar sites can give your brand massive amounts of online visibility. Today, social media marketing is one of the most effective ways of marketing your brand and attracting relevant visitors to your site every day. Here are some of the ways that a SMM campaign can boost your business.

Avoiding ad blindness

Statistics show that traditional online advertising methods are becoming less and less effective. Banners and pop-up boxes are being clicked less and less as internet users are learning to ignore them. This is known as "ad blindness", and it is something that you can avoid by reaching potential clients though interesting and relevant social media content.

A core group of supporters

SMM helps you build a strong base of supporters, which is crucial for any business that wants to grow. People who enjoy the articles or videos you post online will be ready and willing to buy the products and services you offer. They will visit your site and recommend your business to others.

Low costs

Social media marketing relies on organically promoting your business through the same mediums that people use to communicate with each other every day. Compared to traditional marketing methods, SMM campaigns are cheap and in many ways much more efficient.

Organic linking means better rankings

Getting a large number of organic, permanent links from popular and well-regarded sites will improve your business's ranking in search engine results. Being well linked gives the articles you post more reliability and authority, so they'll be higher up in a search results page, which makes your brand more visible to its target market.

Secondary Traffic

Secondary traffic to your site, that is the people who find your site by visiting other sites in the same niche or related niche, is as important as primary traffic. People who are interested in related sites come pre-screened, in a sense, because they will likely be interested in what you have to offer as well.

For more information about social media marketing please visit, a leading Dallas SEO company.

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