Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Blame Game - The "It"s Not My Fault" Excuse

I've had bad days - everyone does.
Especially someone in my line of work as a day trader, it can be easy to blame one thing or another.
Since learning about the Law Of Attraction, I've been diligent in keeping things in perspective and in keeping a positive attitude.
I have daily routines that keep me in the best of spirits and I usually start the day feeling 110%.
But I've had rough patches and sometimes I can't help but feel frustrated.
I know enough to know that I won't grow unless I take a closer look at myself and what I may be doing wrong and what I can do to fix it.
Not too long ago after a string of bad trading days, I just snapped and I made the mistake of blaming the Universe for my bad luck.
For several days in a row I was thinking in the back of my mind "Why are you doing this to me Universe?I've been so good and I've been doing everything in my power to keep these frustrations from getting the best of me!What's your problem Universe?Do you not want me to achieve success?".
This had gone on for about a week and a half and at the end of one particular day of cursing the Universe, I remember I felt mentally and physically exhausted and my mood was as sour as it had ever been.
On my way home that day, for whatever reason, something inside me told me to literally STOP - to stop what I was doing and to stop whatever I was thinking.
My mind and body were telling me that the thoughts racing through my mind were not supposed to be there.
Once I got home, I meditated for a long while.
Once I finished meditating, it all came to me and I realized that I shouldn't use the Universe as the "fall guy" for my shortcomings.
I was using the Universe as an excuse for my failures, when I know full well that I am completely responsible for the things that go right..
and the things that go wrong.
Perhaps the Universe was telling me something - perhaps it was demonstrating to me that there was a better way of doing things.
Maybe the Universe was helping me realize something, perhaps it was trying to point me in the right direction.
By blaming the Universe, I gave myself an out - an excuse for not looking at the problem - ME! Later that night, I was determined to work on "me" and I was determined to figure out how I got myself in such a situation and what I could do about it.
I reviewed that string of bad trading days and I saw that during that bad stretch of trading, I was trading in a way that I wasn't used to and that I started to get sloppy on my trades (in terms of execution).
The first thought that came to me when I found this out was "Why on Earth did I do this trade this way? ", and "That's not right, I didn't follow my rules and that's not the way I usually trade!".
I identified my errors, made it a point to avoid repeating the same mistakes, and went into the next trading day full of confidence.
And you know what?It worked.
I bounced back and I got myself back in the groove and things have been rosy ever since.
That whole time I was thinking that the Universe was going to look after me because I was doing my visualizations and I was keeping a positive attitude - in essence I was leaving everything up to fate.
You know what? The world doesn't work that way - you can't just think of something you want and expect to get it.
You have to take action to get what you want and in my case, I wanted to get my back to trading profitability and the action I took was to review and adjust my trading strategy.
So the moral of the story is this: If you find yourself blaming others, the Universe, your luck, or anything else on your present circumstances, then STOP!People like to put the blame on other things so that they don't have to look at the source of their problems - themselves!

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