Why Do People Have Dreams With Different Meanings?
Many people wonder about where do their dreams come from, or why do they dream.
Some are also interested about interpreting the meaning of their dreams but they have no single idea about how to start it.
When someone is sleeping, he continues to undergo several stages of sleep.
The first four stages include NON-REM or the phase when there is no Rapid Eye Movement.
In these stages, the person is not yet dreaming.
After this, he continues with the fifth stage which is allotted to dreaming or which is scientifically termed as REM stage or the state of Rapid Eye Movement.
In this stage, one's eyeballs are noticeably moving.
This is because most of the images in dreams are visual in nature, that is why eyeballs are moving to follow the images.
These magical yet typical experience arouses one's curiosity about the meaning of dreams.
To know the meaning of this hallucinatory states, it is important first explore its origin for knowing its roots will eventually lead a person to interpret his or her dream without consulting others or reading dream dictionaries which usually contain generalized meanings.
Basically, dreams originate from different sources.
In biblical and historical context, dreams contained signs or prophecies that guide people.
In contemporary times however, it is believed that dreams are symbolic.
They have non-literal meaning which may be unique for each individual.
Say, if one has dreamed of a monster chasing him, it might mean that he is trying to escape from problems that scare him in real life, or perhaps, is denying an emotion or feeling that he has to face.
Due to phenomenological perspective, it is believed that dreams tell us how to solve our problems, or they could just serve as an extension of unfinished business in real life.
For example, if someone argues with a lover before sleeping, that person could dream of arguing with a lover, too.
One funny but real explanation is that, dreams have sensory origins.
This happens when you dream of looking for a comfort room only to find out that you are actually peeing in real life.
And sometimes, stimuli outside become part of your dreams, too, as when you dream of answering a telephone and you find out that your alarm clock is beeping.
Because of technological advancements, scientific researches had been conducted to study the mechanisms of dreaming.
In neurology, it is assumed that dreams are just the product of the activation of brain cells or a result of random neural firing within the pons varoli.
It is also assumed that dreams occur as a result of our brains' mechanism to get rid of the excess baggage in our minds.
That is, as we dream, our brains continuously rearrange memories, retaining the necessary and dumping out the unimportant.
Evolutionary perspective however claims that dreams help us to survive and adapt to daily life's situations.
This happens when someone dreams of reviewing lessons, only to realize that they actually are preparing for an exam the next day, or by simply practicing basketball when in fact, they are rehearsing for a near tournament.
Everyone is given the chance to avail a good night sleep with free dreams of different subjects and themes.
Whatever the image or symbol it may present, it is still the person dreaming who has the sole responsibility of interpreting the contents of his or her dream.
Some are also interested about interpreting the meaning of their dreams but they have no single idea about how to start it.
When someone is sleeping, he continues to undergo several stages of sleep.
The first four stages include NON-REM or the phase when there is no Rapid Eye Movement.
In these stages, the person is not yet dreaming.
After this, he continues with the fifth stage which is allotted to dreaming or which is scientifically termed as REM stage or the state of Rapid Eye Movement.
In this stage, one's eyeballs are noticeably moving.
This is because most of the images in dreams are visual in nature, that is why eyeballs are moving to follow the images.
These magical yet typical experience arouses one's curiosity about the meaning of dreams.
To know the meaning of this hallucinatory states, it is important first explore its origin for knowing its roots will eventually lead a person to interpret his or her dream without consulting others or reading dream dictionaries which usually contain generalized meanings.
Basically, dreams originate from different sources.
In biblical and historical context, dreams contained signs or prophecies that guide people.
In contemporary times however, it is believed that dreams are symbolic.
They have non-literal meaning which may be unique for each individual.
Say, if one has dreamed of a monster chasing him, it might mean that he is trying to escape from problems that scare him in real life, or perhaps, is denying an emotion or feeling that he has to face.
Due to phenomenological perspective, it is believed that dreams tell us how to solve our problems, or they could just serve as an extension of unfinished business in real life.
For example, if someone argues with a lover before sleeping, that person could dream of arguing with a lover, too.
One funny but real explanation is that, dreams have sensory origins.
This happens when you dream of looking for a comfort room only to find out that you are actually peeing in real life.
And sometimes, stimuli outside become part of your dreams, too, as when you dream of answering a telephone and you find out that your alarm clock is beeping.
Because of technological advancements, scientific researches had been conducted to study the mechanisms of dreaming.
In neurology, it is assumed that dreams are just the product of the activation of brain cells or a result of random neural firing within the pons varoli.
It is also assumed that dreams occur as a result of our brains' mechanism to get rid of the excess baggage in our minds.
That is, as we dream, our brains continuously rearrange memories, retaining the necessary and dumping out the unimportant.
Evolutionary perspective however claims that dreams help us to survive and adapt to daily life's situations.
This happens when someone dreams of reviewing lessons, only to realize that they actually are preparing for an exam the next day, or by simply practicing basketball when in fact, they are rehearsing for a near tournament.
Everyone is given the chance to avail a good night sleep with free dreams of different subjects and themes.
Whatever the image or symbol it may present, it is still the person dreaming who has the sole responsibility of interpreting the contents of his or her dream.