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Keyword Research When Doing Search Engine Marketing

One of the main purposes of building your website should be to design it in a way that makes it look search engine friendly.
Each page of your website that you create should be designed to rank high in the search engines.
Now this may be tough for you as a beginner, but you should know that it's definitely attainable.
On every page, you will want to do your keyword research and optimize every page of your site with a particular keyword.
To do your keyword research, you can start with Google's free keyword tool.
This tool will show you the keywords that people have been entering into Google, and it shows how many times people typed in this particular keyword.
To use this tool, simply go to Google and type in "Google keyword tool".
Now after you've done your keyword research, you will want to start the optimization process.
When inserting your keyword into your webpage, you will want to do a few things.
The first thing that you will want to do is to strategically insert your main keyword phrase throughout your webpage.
Your main keyword phrase should be listed in the title of your webpage also.
This is something that the search engines will look for immediately when taking a look at your website.
After you've inserted your keywords into your title, you will want to insert them into your webpage content also.
At this point, you will want to strive for a "keyword density" of around 2% to 3%.
Keyword density refers to the number of times your keyword shows up in your webpage.
If you overdo it, Google will think that you're doing "keyword stuffing" to try and manipulate the search engines, and will lower your search engine rankings.
When using keyword density in your business, you will want to make sure that it is still readable.
Some people like to "spam" their webpage with a particular keyword so that the search engines can find it, but when a real life visitor views their webpage, the article doesn't make sense at all.
So if you use keyword density and you find that humans aren't reading it in the way that they should, then you will want to modify your content and make it human readable.
This is why a good keyword density of around 2% to 3% is a good rule of thumb to go by.
And never do keyword stuffing, it will get you nowhere.
If you're good at writing articles, I think you can use this search engine marketing advice to your advantage.
If you choose to outsource your content creation, make sure you choose a writer who is a pro at keyword research and can create for you content that is good and readable.
You may end up spending $5 per article, but if the article makes you $20 or more, then it will have been worthwhile to do for your business.
Take these search engine marketing tips and use them to improve your sales and profits today.
Once you start using these tips, you'll see that they are incredibly easy to do.
Good luck with using search engine marketing in your business today.

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