Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Clean Wood Floors With Castile Soap

    • 1). Check with the manufacturer, if available, to make sure that using castile soap will not void any warranties your wood floor may be under.

    • 2). Sweep the floor. Put on rubber gloves and fill a clean mop bucket with two gallons of warm water.

    • 3). Add 1/2 cup of white vinegar and 1/4 cup of castile soap. Add three drops of an essential oil for extra fragrance, if you desire. Stir the water with your hand to mix the ingredients.

    • 4). Wet a cloth in the cleaning formula. Wipe it over a small section of the floor. This is to test to make sure this solution will not damage any finishes on the wood. If the wood looks normal after drying it with a towel, continue on.

    • 5). Wet your mop in the bucket. Wring the mop out and mop your floor a few square yards at a time, drying it with a towel before moving to the next area of wood flooring.

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