Family & Relationships Conflict

Single Again and You Want Your Ex Back Now

When you have left your comfort zone, you have put yourself in the non HOME SWEET HOME area of your life.
You see this is a place in our mind that tells us "yes this is okay, this looks and feels right, I belong here".
When you don't have your partner in your life, or your boy/girl friend you are missing something that makes you feel INCOMPLETE.
Now you tell yourself "I Want My Ex Back- This Hurts Too Much".
You must realize that is something that keeps you from having to check your life situation every second of the day.
You drive your car and without thinking you push the turn signal lever and make your turn.
Everything is fine.
Take that lever away and your comfort zone of driving is now gone.
How can you make the turn? Everything you do in your life is a comfort zone.
You walk into your house and everything is in place, your zone is kool.
Move the sofa in the middle of the room, turn a table on it's side and there goes your comfort zone.
Are you with me so far? Good.
Now here you are and your Ex is missing.
OUCH, my comfort zone is in the middle of the room which makes it all wrong.
DON'T panic.
You can put the sofa back where it belongs and turn the table back up, OR get your Ex Back.
There IS an 80% recovery rate on relationships and that is the truth.
Relationships have been going on for as long as there have been people.
Now please don't think I have no feelings here because if you understand everything I've said so far, you know I care, I was there, many times.

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