Defining the Promiscuous Male
What is the male word for slut? Last night I went with a friend to see the movie Definitely Maybe.
In one of the scenes the daughter asks her father what was the male word for slut.
The movie does not answer this question but it sure did make me stop and think.
As I walked to the car with my girlfriend, we discussed the word slut.
We both agreed slut was not a complimentary word and was only used to describe the female.
The female with multiple sex partners or the one who sleeps with your boyfriend is probably a slut.
But what do we call her partner, the other person involved in the sexual act? Neither of us could ever recall hearing the male referred to in a derogatory way.
But instead his behavior is referred to as normal or just being a man.
She's a slut but he's just a partner.
The more I thought about this, the more enraged I became.
My brain was doing mental Olympics, comparing the differences between men and women.
Though women have come a long way, we still have much further to go.
I have heard that men want their partners to be a whore in the bedroom but a lady everywhere else.
Some of us even pull that off.
But it's still a double standard.
I know that men and women are different in many ways, especially when it comes to sex.
But why is the woman who engages in certain sex behaviors labeled as promiscuous while her partner is labeled as normal? In my search for the truth, I consulted Webster's Dictionary.
I was horrified to see that slut was defined as a promiscuous woman or a female bitch.
My next thought was this definition was probably written by a man.
My brain was like a runaway train.
Visions of men paying prostitutes getting on and off.
I knew there were male prostitutes, but they don't seem to be portrayed as negatively as their female counter parts.
One woman calling another woman a slut, perhaps doesn't have the same meaning as when a man calls a woman a slut.
Women might get mad with each other and for sure it is a put down.
But when a man places this label on a woman, it feels dirty and unacceptable.
This might be one area where women are truer to their feelings or less pretentious.
I think most women understand sluts and have various opinions toward their behavior.
Men on the other hand can be hypocritical.
Sometimes they think women who have had too many sexual partners or enjoy sex too much are sluts.
Yet they aggressively pursue them for sex.
The movie Definitely Maybe has little to do with sluts.
The daughter in the movie is attending sex education classes at school.
Her parents are divorcing, and in an attempt to figure this out, she asks her father how he met her mother.
He's not ready to tell her but she persists.
His explanation involves all the significant women in his life.
Notice I said significant, not slut.
The daughter is thinking her father might have slept around too much, and she's searching for a word to describe his behavior.
But there are none.
In one of the scenes the daughter asks her father what was the male word for slut.
The movie does not answer this question but it sure did make me stop and think.
As I walked to the car with my girlfriend, we discussed the word slut.
We both agreed slut was not a complimentary word and was only used to describe the female.
The female with multiple sex partners or the one who sleeps with your boyfriend is probably a slut.
But what do we call her partner, the other person involved in the sexual act? Neither of us could ever recall hearing the male referred to in a derogatory way.
But instead his behavior is referred to as normal or just being a man.
She's a slut but he's just a partner.
The more I thought about this, the more enraged I became.
My brain was doing mental Olympics, comparing the differences between men and women.
Though women have come a long way, we still have much further to go.
I have heard that men want their partners to be a whore in the bedroom but a lady everywhere else.
Some of us even pull that off.
But it's still a double standard.
I know that men and women are different in many ways, especially when it comes to sex.
But why is the woman who engages in certain sex behaviors labeled as promiscuous while her partner is labeled as normal? In my search for the truth, I consulted Webster's Dictionary.
I was horrified to see that slut was defined as a promiscuous woman or a female bitch.
My next thought was this definition was probably written by a man.
My brain was like a runaway train.
Visions of men paying prostitutes getting on and off.
I knew there were male prostitutes, but they don't seem to be portrayed as negatively as their female counter parts.
One woman calling another woman a slut, perhaps doesn't have the same meaning as when a man calls a woman a slut.
Women might get mad with each other and for sure it is a put down.
But when a man places this label on a woman, it feels dirty and unacceptable.
This might be one area where women are truer to their feelings or less pretentious.
I think most women understand sluts and have various opinions toward their behavior.
Men on the other hand can be hypocritical.
Sometimes they think women who have had too many sexual partners or enjoy sex too much are sluts.
Yet they aggressively pursue them for sex.
The movie Definitely Maybe has little to do with sluts.
The daughter in the movie is attending sex education classes at school.
Her parents are divorcing, and in an attempt to figure this out, she asks her father how he met her mother.
He's not ready to tell her but she persists.
His explanation involves all the significant women in his life.
Notice I said significant, not slut.
The daughter is thinking her father might have slept around too much, and she's searching for a word to describe his behavior.
But there are none.