How Can I Better Monitor My Fertility?
Chances are, that if you are reading this article, you have been trying to conceive for a few months already.
By now you know how stressful trying to conceive can be.
Most women do not have text book cycles, and even if your cycle is 28 days, it does not always mean you ovulate on cycle day 14.
Most women's cycles are not so predictable that they can assume when they will ovulate based on past cycles.
Occasionally, women ovulate much earlier or later than they are used to.
Monitors will be able to pick up on this much more accurately than Urine Test Kits can.
So Why a Fertility Monitor? For one, these fertility monitors take most of the stress out of timing your most fertile days.
Using Basal Temperatures and Charting means that you must be waking each morning, every month to collect data.
Monitors, on the other hand need only to be used for portions of your cycle.
They are contain chips with memories that will record, analyze and store your data and feed back to you simple responses informing you if you are in a low, high or peak fertility day.
There are three kinds of fertility monitors: Urine Based Monitors: ClearBlue Fertility Monitor: This product measure LH levels as well as Estrogen in your urine, just as over the counter urine tests do, however these monitors collect the information, compare them to your previous results and comparatively feed back to you your results.
Saliva Based Monitors: Ovacue and Cue II: These products measure Estrogen levels through electrolytes in your saliva.
Rises in electrolytes indicate a rise in fertility.
The most popular brand of saliva monitor also can confirm that you have indeed ovulated with the purchase of a vaginal sensor.
Skin Based Monitors: Fertilite-Ov: Measures sweat ion changes that result from rises in estrogen and LH on the surface of your skin and an advanced microcomputer that uses the sensor's measurement to track your fertility and predict the days when you are likely to become pregnant.
Are Fertility Monitors Right for Me? Only you can answer that.
Consider several things when contemplating a purchase of one: Your lifestyle: Most women maintain active lifestyles, and using a Urine test kit late morning is not really an option.
Nor is temperature charting, especially if you can't be sure that you'll have a consistent amount of sleep each and every night.
Your age: If you are experiencing cycles that are becoming less regular, then timing you most fertile days is much more accurate using a product such as these.
As long as your cycles don't go over 44 days, then most of these products will give you optimum benefits each month Long term plans: Are you planning on trying for more children than the one you are trying for now? If so, the long term cost of these products is more affordable than the alternative, which is buying Urine Test Kits for months on end.
By now you know how stressful trying to conceive can be.
Most women do not have text book cycles, and even if your cycle is 28 days, it does not always mean you ovulate on cycle day 14.
Most women's cycles are not so predictable that they can assume when they will ovulate based on past cycles.
Occasionally, women ovulate much earlier or later than they are used to.
Monitors will be able to pick up on this much more accurately than Urine Test Kits can.
So Why a Fertility Monitor? For one, these fertility monitors take most of the stress out of timing your most fertile days.
Using Basal Temperatures and Charting means that you must be waking each morning, every month to collect data.
Monitors, on the other hand need only to be used for portions of your cycle.
They are contain chips with memories that will record, analyze and store your data and feed back to you simple responses informing you if you are in a low, high or peak fertility day.
There are three kinds of fertility monitors: Urine Based Monitors: ClearBlue Fertility Monitor: This product measure LH levels as well as Estrogen in your urine, just as over the counter urine tests do, however these monitors collect the information, compare them to your previous results and comparatively feed back to you your results.
Saliva Based Monitors: Ovacue and Cue II: These products measure Estrogen levels through electrolytes in your saliva.
Rises in electrolytes indicate a rise in fertility.
The most popular brand of saliva monitor also can confirm that you have indeed ovulated with the purchase of a vaginal sensor.
Skin Based Monitors: Fertilite-Ov: Measures sweat ion changes that result from rises in estrogen and LH on the surface of your skin and an advanced microcomputer that uses the sensor's measurement to track your fertility and predict the days when you are likely to become pregnant.
Are Fertility Monitors Right for Me? Only you can answer that.
Consider several things when contemplating a purchase of one: Your lifestyle: Most women maintain active lifestyles, and using a Urine test kit late morning is not really an option.
Nor is temperature charting, especially if you can't be sure that you'll have a consistent amount of sleep each and every night.
Your age: If you are experiencing cycles that are becoming less regular, then timing you most fertile days is much more accurate using a product such as these.
As long as your cycles don't go over 44 days, then most of these products will give you optimum benefits each month Long term plans: Are you planning on trying for more children than the one you are trying for now? If so, the long term cost of these products is more affordable than the alternative, which is buying Urine Test Kits for months on end.