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Loss of Libido in Women

The truth is that a woman in perfect health should have a perfectly healthy libido too.
It's often a mistake to sweep the loss of libido under the carpet and put it down to lack of time, tiredness or even assuming a generally accepted physiological difference between male and female sex drive.
The truth is though that a loss of libido in women can significantly damage a relationship; inequality in sex-drives is cited as a reason for breakdown of over 50% of UK relationships - a worrying prospect for those with a low libido or sex drive.
Never fear though, the answers are out there.
The most common reasons for loss of libido in women are: · Tiredness - we're working longer hours, harder jobs and living more frantic lives than ever before.
This takes and inevitable toll on our sex lives · Fluctuations in Hormones - We're complicated animals, and every woman has times when their energy levels are lower - sometimes we just don't feel like sex · Pregnancy and childbirth - this is a traumatic experience, lots of us just don't feel sexy for quite some time afterwards · Medication side-effects - More of us than ever are using some form of medication.
The most damaging to libido and sex drive being antidepressants Fortunately there are steps we can take to address loss of libido, if you're feeling that your loss of libido is causing issues in your relationships or personal life, you may want to consider the following: · De-stress - find ways that you can reduce stress in your life.
Stress is a real killer for your libido so address this as soon as you can.
One of the best ways to de-stress is to do some exercise, so get down to your local gym and sign up, or just go for a brisk walk a few times a week · Sleep - get to bed early, a good eight hours of deep sleep will really help you feel more alert and more sexual in daylight hours · Cut down on alcohol - that glass of wine every night adds up to a reduction in your libido, cut down as much as you can and alongside the new exercise regime you should feel better in no time.
There are also some excellent herbal supplements to improve libido in women on the market, take a look and choose any that have l-arginine and ginseng in them.

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