Family & Relationships Conflict

Get Him Back Now - 5 Simple Tips

He's gone.
For whatever reason, your relationship and your heart has been broken apart.
It's not easy for the two of you to get back together after a breakup, however there are a few tips that you can follow to get him back now.
Tip 1 - Get your head together.
You need to get rid of all negative thoughts and feelings, no matter how badly he hurt you.
If you want him back that is.
Make sure, very, very sure before you start this process that being together is a good thing.
If you decide yes, then forge ahead.
You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and be strong.
Tip 2 - The relationship as you know it is over.
Accept it.
No one has found a way to rewind time or events.
Nothing says that the new relationship can't be better and stronger than the old one.
Just don't let your mind keep wandering back to the past.
The old relationship couldn't have been that good; after all, you broke up.
Look ahead to your future with him.
Tip 3 - Don't be a pest.
No one likes to be chased.
Back off for a while.
Put down all phones and computers and give both of you some breathing space.
Give him time to wonder just what you're up to.
Why hasn't he heard from you? What are you doing without him? Tip 4 - Become an object of desire.
I've always thought this part was lame, but unfortunately its true.
Are you still the woman he fell in love with? Or did you let life make you comfortable and lazy? Were you still dressing up for him like you did when you first started dating? Take a good long look in the mirror; and not just on the outside.
Are you the same person on the inside as you were when you first got together, or has something changed there as well.
Remember, he fell in love with the person from your past; it's the woman of the present that he broke up with.
Was there a change? If so, can it be fixed, even made better than before? Feel good about yourself.
It will make him, and others, want to be around you.
Tip 5 - Slow down.
If you have followed the tips above correctly, your phone will be ringing.
Imagine the look on his face when he sees the 'new' you.
As hard as it maybe though, keep your physical contact with him to a minimum.

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