How to Make Cool Team Logos for GameBattles on "CoD 4"
- 1). Open your computer's default Internet browser, and visit a Game Battles logo creator and designer online, such as Game Battles Logo Maker (, which is free for anyone with Internet access.
- 2). Browse the available graphics for your logo, and add text to your logo creation using the online editor. Once you are finished, add any other details you wish, such as your user name or link-back URL (if you have one to provide).
- 3). Enter the name of your logo, and select the "Save File" icon to save the logo to your computer. Exit the logo maker.
- 4). Visit the official Game Battles website (, and register or log in with your existing Game Battles account.
- 5). Select "My GB" to access your personal account information. From this page you can upload and change your Game Battles team logo, as well as your personal information and preferences. Browse your computer's hard drive for your new Game Battles logo, and allow it to upload to the website. Select "Save" to implement your changes.