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How to Make a Jacket From a Pre-Made Sweatshirt

    • 1). Lay your sweatshirt on a flat work surface. Find the center of the front and use a pen or chalk to lightly draw a vertical line beginning at the collar and ending at the bottom ribbing. Cut along this line. Fold the raw edges about 1/2 inch under the sweatshirt to hide them from view.

    • 2). Unzip the open-ended zipper to produce two halves. Pin one half of the zipper to one side of the sweatshirt. Trim off any overhang at the top of the collar if the zipper is longer than the sweatshirt.

    • 3). Pin the other half of the zipper to the other side of the sweatshirt. Check that the two halves are aligned as you are pinning. Adjust the position of the second half, if necessary.

    • 4). Sew the first half of the zipper in place using a top-stitch with the zipper foot close to the fabric you folded under earlier. Sew this piece until you reach the top of the sweatshirt. Backstitch down to the bottom to secure the threads.

    • 5). Sew the second half of the zipper using the same process you completed in Step 4.

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