Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Overcome Addiction – What is my Purpose in Life?

Traditional treatment programs, especially Alcoholics Anonymous, profess that being of service to others is a critical component of addiction recovery. And, I would agree with that perspective. However, everyone's true life purpose is unique and does not necessarily pertain to helping others overcome alcoholism. In fact, 90% of the time, the true life purpose of an addicted person has nothing to do with addiction recovery. Providing a blanket rule, like AA does, not only leads people astray, but it's also counterproductive because helping others with the same affliction usually perpetuates victimization.

The mainstream tends to label those who struggle with addictive behavior as weak-minded, socially unacceptable people. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Struggling with addiction does not make you inferior; it just means that you've veered off the road and into the ditch. And when you get down to brass tacks, a very high percentage of folks who suffer from addiction prove to be incredibly creative, talented and gifted individuals. But, using those gifts in a meaningful way is another matter altogether.

Contrary to what most people believe, career success does not equate to life success. One can achieve great success professionally, yet they can, and often do, fail miserably in their personal life. This scenario is quite prevalent among addicted individuals and is more commonly known in the mainstream as the imposter syndrome. Time and time again, we see examples of this popping up in the media. Prominent actors, musicians and athletes who reach the top are suddenly exposed for leading a dual existence. On one hand, they appear to be on top of the world with their career success. And on the other, they've been hiding behind a veil of addiction secrecy. In my opinion, many of these prominent figures actually use their career as an addiction. The fame, fortune and status provide a diversion and seem to alleviate emotional distress. There's only one problem with that. When they reach the top and look around, the diversion disappears and they self-destruct – losing everything! The point is; career success and life success are not synonymous. However, you can have both! To accomplish that feat, you must uncover and follow your true divine path because no one is ever truly happy and prosperous until they do. Sure, you can find plenty of folks who are wealthy, but you can bet your bottom dollar that most of them are not happy. So, if you want to create a life that's filled with purpose, passion and prosperity, embrace the divine mission you signed on for. That mission may entail volunteering, or it may even encompass some form of teaching or coaching. One things for sure, the answers to all those questions, and more, reside deep within you.  And, while you may be tempted to look for those answers externally, you will be hard pressed to uncover them. Sure, you can find all types of tools on the web that claim to provide a quick and easy method for unlocking your true life purpose. However, in my opinion, quick fixes like quizzes and hand analysis programs provide generalities at best and are utterly confusing at worst! You see, your true life purpose is etched in your spiritual blueprint, and the only way to unlock it is to connect with your higher consciousness. And, to accomplish that task, you must first relinquish all of your fears and insecurities, and second, quiet your mind through the daily practice of meditation. Then and only then will the path be mysteriously and methodically laid before your feet!

For more information on how to achieve addiction freedom and uncover your true life purpose subscribe to me free e-courses below…….

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David Roppo

The Addiction Freedom Coach

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