Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Boy meets girl, boy stops smoking

The things that young men would do to impress a woman are as many and as bizarre as they can be. Sometimes however, the said young man, would buckle down, earn a degree and find a nice job, just to be with the girl of his dreams. Or respectively he could stop smoking.

 I know, stopping smoking is not something crazy or bad for you, it isn't even on the same level of difficulty as earning a degree, but when you think about it, overcoming a strong addiction, disregarding the imposed needs of your body and changing just to be with someone is a bit extreme. So let me tell you my story about changing to be with a girl.

The girl in question seemed like the girl of my dreams. The fact that she didn't have almost any time left for me when we were dating didn't put me off. Neither her father – an ex-army colonel with control issues. As far as I understood he had never liked any of her previous boyfriends and he certainly didn't like me. There was one common feature that he shared with his daughter and that was their common dislike towards smoking.

After going out for about a month or so with her I decided that giving up smoking could only be in my interest. It would save me money, make me healthier and would probably help a bit with my standing in my girlfriend's eyes.

After about two weeks I had gone through, nicotine patches, nicotine gum and even the nicotine pills. Nothing of the above mentioned had the desired effect and thankfully I had enough will left to try with personal vaporizer.

I had tried electronic cigarettes in the past, but they were from the cheap disposable kind and if you have guessed that they are fairly useless you have guessed right.  The more expensive vaporizers are a whole other deal. I bought the one which was supposed to be the best personal vaporizer on the market and the moment I had my first drag I knew it would be the one.  After 2 weeks I was no longer a smoker and after 2 months I could even go days without vaping at all.

I broke up with the girl I had changed for, or more precisely I broke up with her and her father. At a certain point I knew it wasn't worth it anymore. The only good thing that I got from this relationship is that I managed to stop smoking.

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