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Soft Roof Repairs, Depending On Seasonal Conditions.

A large part of modern buildings, regardless of type, size and purpose, has a flat roof, and this in turn allows use without any problems such building components as a soft top. This type of roof is relatively cheap, and its installation is quite fast. Under the soft roof understood various roll materials (unifleks, linokrom, bikros), shingles, shinglas and other materials. These benefits include the following consumer characteristics: durability, strength, flexibility, elasticity and heat resistance. Roofing work on installing rolled roofing an implied thermal fusing of the material or mechanical fastening to the roof surface.

Of course, sooner or later, just like any other building material, soft roof will require partial or integrated replacing due to damage, loss of properties, etc. In most cases, repair of soft roof consists of several required steps that are impossible to ignore. First, the dismantling of unserviceable or old roofing (all or part of it, depending on the degree of damage). Second, you must use special equipment to carry out the organization of drainage and ventilation ducts. Third, the imperative to restore the level of vapor barriers and waterproofing with the bottom layer of the roof. Fourth, it fits the top layer of the roof.

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There are three main types of upholstered roof repair: repair of emergency-type repairs and overhaul. It is important to understand what the level and scope of what a lot will depend on the cost of repairing rolled roofing. Under the emergency repair of soft roof means extra recovery from damage to the roof, as well as maintaining the entire surface of the soft roof in good condition. Emergency repair of soft roof is required for detection of areas of possible damage.

In this case, by replacing 5-20% of roofing material. The next version of the soft roof repair - it repairs, which involves replacement of no more than 40% of the damaged material. And finally, major repairs, which replaced the entire roof surface, or a considerable part. No matter what level you need to repair, it should be, first of all, check the status of the layer of the roof, which is responsible for thermal insulation, as well as special attention should be paid the base of the roof and each section, especially the joints.

Probably no one will argue that in order to maximize the life of the soft roof is desirable to promptly identify existing defects in the coating. This will contribute to the so-called seasonal outdoor study. So, in the spring season it is important to determine the size and nature of bubbles, carefully inspect the condition of joints, especially in terms of waterproofing, check the installation of eaves and aprons. In the summer you should pay attention to such important issues as the emergence of bubbles and cracks in the upper layer, the degree of possible slippage of roofing material to a vertical surface.

In the autumn should not be left without due attention to the dead zone of water, if any, and the degree of obstruction of craters. With the advent of winter, the object of research becomes possible icing roof, including eaves, the level of deposits of snow, icicles and availability, etc.

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