How To Approach A Woman - Three Mistakes To Approaching Women In Public
You have probably read tons of advice on how to approach a woman, but have they told you what not to do?I am pretty sure they have not, which is why I want to clear that up for you right now.
Making these pick-up blunders could be extremely embarrassing.
Here they are in no particular order.
The Stalking Pick-Up I saw a friend of mine do this and it is so uncomfortable to watch.
He basically followed this female around the bar for hours.
Showing up wherever she was.
At the end of the night when he went to talk to her, she shot for the door, probably because she was worried about her safety.
Don't be the stalker, please.
Not Having Anything To Say Please don't plan on winging it when it comes to talking to women.
If you have no idea what you will say, just try a simple hello or how are you.
This will work wonders instead of you trying to come up with some dumb pick-up line to use.
At the very least, think of something you will say.
Being Arrogant There is a very fine line between arrogance and confidence.
Don't get these two mixed up.
Confidence means being able to talk to a woman without feeling like an idiot and carrying a conversation.
Arrogance is just telling a girl she is lucky to have a guy like you talk to her.
If you want to get shot down quickly then try the arrogant route.
If not then just try holding your head up high and smiling.
It works so much better.
Now that you have three of the top mistakes guys make when approaching women, all you need now are some of the top ways teaching you how to approach a woman.
If you are at a loss for what these are, then I can help you out.
There are ways that will draw females closer to you and ways that will repel them rather quickly.
Being clued in to these things is what you need to succeed in the pick-up game.
Want to see them?
Making these pick-up blunders could be extremely embarrassing.
Here they are in no particular order.
The Stalking Pick-Up I saw a friend of mine do this and it is so uncomfortable to watch.
He basically followed this female around the bar for hours.
Showing up wherever she was.
At the end of the night when he went to talk to her, she shot for the door, probably because she was worried about her safety.
Don't be the stalker, please.
Not Having Anything To Say Please don't plan on winging it when it comes to talking to women.
If you have no idea what you will say, just try a simple hello or how are you.
This will work wonders instead of you trying to come up with some dumb pick-up line to use.
At the very least, think of something you will say.
Being Arrogant There is a very fine line between arrogance and confidence.
Don't get these two mixed up.
Confidence means being able to talk to a woman without feeling like an idiot and carrying a conversation.
Arrogance is just telling a girl she is lucky to have a guy like you talk to her.
If you want to get shot down quickly then try the arrogant route.
If not then just try holding your head up high and smiling.
It works so much better.
Now that you have three of the top mistakes guys make when approaching women, all you need now are some of the top ways teaching you how to approach a woman.
If you are at a loss for what these are, then I can help you out.
There are ways that will draw females closer to you and ways that will repel them rather quickly.
Being clued in to these things is what you need to succeed in the pick-up game.
Want to see them?