Florist Styrofoam Projects
- Styrofoam can be used to arrange floral stems, either fresh or silk, and keep them from bunching together. Shape a block of Styrofoam with a florist shaping tool to fit inside an opaque vase or vintage pail, and press flowers, greenery and grass into the order that suits your needs and tastes.
Carve a block of Styrofoam into an egg shape, twist a wooden dowel dipped in glue into the bottom of the egg and into another foam block pressed into a decorative vase. Using pearl-ended straight pins, press through the center of silk flower buds and cover the entire egg so that no foam is revealed, to create a Spring or Easter-themed centerpiece. Adapt the craft to any season or holiday by carving the Styrofoam into other shapes such as a pine tree, a pumpkin or a spherical sun and cover with the appropriate flower colors. - Children can create their own flower pots by squeezing a small sphere of Styrofoam into a Styrofoam or paper cup, gluing colorful buttons around the rim and pressing silk or paper flowers with pipe cleaner stems into the foam. Decorate the top of the Styrofoam with green Easter grass. Paint the cup with a Spring color on the inside and outside before crafting for an added touch.
Paint egg-shaped pieces of Styrofoam in lieu of raw or hard-boiled eggs for the Easter holiday. Prepare cups of nontoxic, washable paint and allow children to use their creativity to color the eggs with a paintbrush in stripes, polka dots and designs. Instruct the children to wear an old T-shirt or art smock to keep clothes clean. When dry, adults can use a low-temperature hot-glue gun to adhere a piece of ribbon tied into a bow on the top of each egg. - In a vase, press the end of a glue-covered, white spray-painted tree branch into a block of Styrofoam. Hang transparent beaded strands from the extended branches or use pieces of ribbon to hand Origami cranes to create an Asian-inspired centerpiece for your dining or coffee table. (See Resources for Origami instructions.)
Hang kissing balls from your dining room chandelier in varying lengths as a holiday centerpiece. Wrap two lengths of craft wire around the Styrofoam ball, separating it into quarters and twist the wires at the top to secure. Press 2-inch faux mistletoe stems into the ball to cover all visible foam areas and arrange the remaining wire pieces into a ring. Tie a holiday hanging bow from the ring and place over chandelier. Use other types of floral stems for various holidays or seasons.
For a birthday party theme, dip an 8-inch piece of wooden dowel into craft glue and press into a spherical piece of Styrofoam. Wrap the ball with translucent paper, securing by tying ribbon around the paper. Press the homemade lollipops into another block of Styrofoam set in a decorative pail or vase for a party centerpiece idea. - A block of Styrofoam set inside a 8-inch wooden craft crate found at dollar or thrift stores doubles as a decorative method of charging cell phones and MP3 players. Thread electrical cords through the crate slats, set on top of the Styrofoam block and disguise the white foam with faux greenery or floral stems pressed into the block. For another decorative option, glue a piece of scrap fabric onto the front of the Styrofoam block so the fabric can be shown through the slats opposed to white Styrofoam.
Find Styrofoam rings in craft and discount stores and create a wreath from various seasonal items. Adhere paper flowers in pastel colors, fall-colored leaves and pine cones with a low-temperature hot-glue gun. Tie a decorative ribbon onto the ring for a hanging loop.