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A Lake Named Kivu In Africa

Lake Kivu is part of the Great Rift Valley and one of Africa's Great Lakes.
It's found on the border between Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo.
It covers an area of 2,700km2 and stands at a height of 1.
460 metres above sea level.
It is has a maximum depth of 480 metres and its ranked 15th in the world.
It empties into river Ruzizi that flows southwards into Lake Tanganyika.
The surrounding area is full of beautiful mountains.
Lake Kivu has settlements around the shore line like Bukavu, Kalehe, Sake and others.
The people around rely mainly on fishing and other agricultural activities.
It's a native of fish species like Barbus, Clarias and Haplochromis and the Nile Tilapia.
A fish species known as Tanganyika Sardine was introduced there in the year 1959 to improve the area into a major hub for fresh water fishing.
The numbers of fish have rose to over 6,000 of which 3,000 was from the introductory species.
The lake also has very beautiful beaches.
Lake Kivu is also is very rich in minerals and was foud to contain around 55 billion cubic metres of methane gas at a depth of around 300 metres.
The gas extraction has occasionally been done on small scale and used to run boilers at a brewery known as Bralirwa Brewery in an area called Gisenyi.
Rwanda is however interested in extracting the gas in large scale to help it increase its electricity levels by more than 20 times.
This will enable it to sell electricity to other neighboring countries.

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