Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

How to Build an Igloo for a School Project

    • 1). Cut your cubes. Your cubes may be small or large, depending on the scale of your project. On the lowest setting, carefully cut with the electric knife through the styrofoam to form cube-like shapes. Each cube should be identical in size in terms of length and width.

    • 2). Set your cubes in place. Draw a circle on a cardboard platform. Your cardboard should be relative to the size of your project. After you have drawn a circle, set your cubes in place along the edge of the circle making sure to cover up the line and leave a large gap for the opening of the igloo.

    • 3). Set your mortar. Take your glue gun and apply liberal amounts of glue to the top each individual cube. The glue will be hot; therefore, do not apply too much glue, as this will melt the styrofoam.

    • 4). Continue to stack cubes. The igloo should be approximately 10 tiers tall and should decrease in diameter as each layer is added. Do not place cubes directly on top of each; instead, make sure that the new cube is overlapping two cubes on the previous layer.

    • 5). Close up the top of the igloo. Take a small piece of cardboard and cut it into a circle that is slightly smaller than the remaining exposed layer of cubes. The cardboard circle should be smaller so that cardboard edge is not exposed, but it should still be able to fit securely on top of the igloo to create a base for the remining layer. Assemble cubes to cover the layer of cardboard and set them into place with your glue. You can be creative in this step by assembling the final layer of cubes in your own style.

    • 6). Create an entrance. First construct your archway on the ground to ensure that the size of the entrance will correspond to the size of the igloo. Using your glue gun, begin to attach each cubes permanently against the igloo.

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