Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Is it Possible to Meet Your Soul Mate on the Internet?

I can give you my true testimony that it is definitely possible to meet the person you want to spend the rest of your life with on the internet! Almost ten years ago, I had the blessing of meeting my wonderful husband over the internet.
The interesting thing about this whole thing is that neither one of us were looking for anyone.
We were both surfing on the net for different reasons when our paths crossed.
He was talking to his mother and a few friends and I was looking for a native English speaking person to practice my English, which was terrible at that time.
We exchanged a few words and became, sort of "friends" in a very short period of time.
I think that I was interesting (or funny) to him for trying so hard to speak his language and he was interesting to me because of the perception I had of him at first impression.
I really saw him as smart, caring and a man of good character (and after all these years, these qualities remain).
Well, after 4 months of constant conversations over the phone and the internet, we were engaged (mind you without seeing each other in person once yet).
Of course, shortly after we got engaged, he managed to travel all the way to Brazil and ask parents for my hand in marriage (in Portuguese nonetheless).
My parents were very impressed with him as well and really praised his efforts in trying to converse with them in Portuguese on his own.
At that time, I was about 8-9 months away from graduating from college so we agreed to get married once I finished.
As planned, we got married soon after I was finished with school.
It was the happiest day of my life.
All my life, I had asked God to give me a good man for a husband.
A man that didn't drink, play cards, cheat and smoke.
Well, I got all my wishes except for the smoking part (I guess you can't have it all).
We always say that we were a couple matched in haven, and I totally believe in that.
My husband is my best friend! Lastly, but certainly not least, 12 months ago God answered another prayer of mine.
He gave me a wonderful little boy who looks exactly like his daddy.
That is exactly what I wanted: a little boy that looked exactly like his father.
And God did a fine job! My son has inherited all he possibly could from his daddy's looks and with no doubt has made his mama the happiest new mama on the block! Through the years, I have met other people that have also met their spouses on the net but unlike us; they were in fact looking for a match.
In this busy world that we live in these days, this might become the new way to meet people that match our profile more closely and that will give the relationship a better chance to succeed.

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